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Ratings of "Beloved" Fell up to Minimum Indicator of Worship

Ratings of "Beloved" Fell up to Minimum Indicator of Worship

Putin and Medvedev's ratings fell to a historical minimum, for the first time relative majority of citizens consider that the country follows incorrect way. Monthly poll of "Levada-Center" carried out on March, 18-21th among 1600 citizens revealed deterioration of attitude to the power and its party. In March as well as in February 42% of Russians has a feeling that the country follows incorrect way. However, this month for the first time in history of observation the number of those who speaks about incorrect course prevails. 40% declares that everything's going on correctly. There was 48% on the average in 2010.

Disappointment with government activity reached a maximum for last five years: only third of respondents (23%) is assured of success of its work against 40% believing that the government won't manage to achieve changes to the best. In 2010 the parity was 30 to 30%.

Essential decrease in ratings of the president and the prime minister was fixed last month and they continue to fall. Now Dmitry Medvedev's activity is approved by 66% - it's absolute minimum since 2008 (in February there were 69% and a year before - 77%). Vladimir Putin's rating fell from 73 to 69% - it's minimum indicator for last six years (all last year it didn't fall below 77%).

Positions of "Edinaya Russia" after small growth in February fell again from 60 to 57% and became equal to the results of January when the first time polls started revealing record falling.

Public Opinion Foundation also fixed falling of ratings of trust to Medvedev and Putin - for the first time since the moment they occupied present posts. According to the poll carried out on March, 12-13th, 49% of Russians trust the president, 56% - to the prime-minister.

- To tell you the truth, I don't understand, whence they take these 60, 50 and even 40 percent, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov. - I wouldn't entrust these people and their party even to watch after collective-farm gourd field. I also suspect that approximately majority of citizens who have reached reasonable age but not run yet in marasmus think the same in this case. Well, really why should I trust the guys whose all "great achievements" started happening after their appointment to the higher post in the state? Until that time their biographies are grey as soldier's overcoat. While after appointment their talents suddenly broke through - they even started playing the piano. Just as in a joke about Brezhnev: "I believe in Leonid Ilich, one day he will write a symphony". But then it was joke, while if today someone will be surprised if VVP gives out symphony? Anyway, we already are not surprised when high-ranking officials only yesterday not able to connect two words without dirty words become doctors of sciences and academicians. We are not surprised also to see books written by high-ranking authors only yesterday were bad spellers. What will prevent them to draw themselves results of the poll where in the column "national love" would be the same figure as on "elections"? After all it's easy for us to check it up - we can carry out own poll and see...


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