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Vicennial War

Vicennial War
Denis Sorokin 08.11.2008

If to look at the Russian reality through the eyes of a person from the year 1988, it can be treated as an intermediate result of the vicennial war between Russia and external enemies. Let's abstract temporarily from the full capital existence provided with oil money and we see, why a citizen from the Soviet Union could estimate year 2008 as one of the stages of war unsuccessfully developing for us.

- As you know, one of the targets of any war is capture of the territory of the opponent. The territory of the state with its center in Moscow by 2008 decreased for 25% in comparison with 1988. You will agree, it's a big figure.

- Population from the quantity of about 293 million decreased up to 141 million. 152 million! I shall remind that in the well-known Stalin's order № 227 "Not a Step Back" occupation by the Germans of the Soviet lands with population of 70 million people was considered as catastrophe.

Certainly, these 150 million have not die, haven't got lost but enter already the structure of other states, many of which carry out the policy which is already far from being the proRussian one. Therefore, for us they unequivocally are considered lost. Well, if to speak about dead, losses of only Russian Federation on a difference between death rate and birth rate for 16 years made 12,5 million people. Even during Civil War we lost less! Whereas today is a peace time.  Ostensibly peace ...

- The lost party usually pays to the winner contribution. This very process we now have an opportunity to observe - forex/gold stocks of the Russian Federation and divided Stabilization Fund are placed to the banks of countries of NATO and successfully stimulate development of their economy. Well, additionally defeated Russia with all its might transfer raw material to the West and the East. Almost 90% of the Russian export are made by hydrocarbons, precious metals and wood. We are talking now about the country which once paid tremendously high price for industrialization and could have become the world leader in space technologies.

If you, by the way, have noticed that when they show meetings of our nano-presidents with foreign leaders in news blocks, they are talking always about deliveries of oil and gas? Well, sometimes, as a bonus they add conversations about cooperation in military sphere. If you personally are not offended that from the country which managed to build  the first in the world atomic power station, created the best military and competitive civil aircraft, planned flight of a man to Mars by 2010 we turned into supplier of "bananas" for the developed countries?

As a matter of fact, we are no way are better than ordinary parasite, who instead of working, in the accelerated rate sells out silver and period furniture from the apartment to support comprehensible standard of living. Clearly, what will be the result for him - for those years the army was reduced in 3 times.

Naturally, it took place due to the split-off of the former Soviet republics. But the Russian army continues to decrease. 1 million military men by 2012 was declared as the last target. What army will it be? Army of Sychevs, ethnic bullying and homeless officers whose salary is 16000 roubles? I doubt very much of its battle readiness.

Something similar already took place in 1917, when armed forces were decomposed to such a degree that they didn't want to fight, the fact which pleased the Germans. - To hold out in 41-st and to break a course of war in 43-rd was possible in many respects because at the first stage of war unprecedented evacuation of defensive factories was carried out in the shortest terms. Preservation of war industry gave us a chance to win war, we used it for all it's worth when machine tools were put on snow and production for front, already therein, completing factory walls and base was started near Kuibyshev and Perm.

Now, as it's known, our defensive industry sings a swan song. To get convinced in it, it is enough to give an example of "Izhevsk Machine Works" on which Kalashnikov's automatic devices are being put together. Not only that there remained working mostly people of, basically, pension age, they receive no more than 10000 roubles working on the machine tools which have been produced in 1946. Such situation occurs on one of the leaders of the domestic military and industrial complex! Just when it fulfils the huge order of Venezuela for 100000 automatic devices.

What could be done, when nobody will buy production of "Izhmash" abroad? In fact in the world market there are enough cheap Chinese fakes of "Kalashnikov". As one of the retired employees of this factory says: "If nothing will be changed, either the factory will be closed in general, or only a small mini-factory will remain".

Well, it's also quite a good result of vicennial war. Hitler would envy. - Liberal intelligency likes to sorrow for two "philosophical steamships" in 1922 taken the cream of the Russian intelligency in a quantity of 160 people. However it for some reason persistently does not want to speak that since 1989 a number of scientists in Russia reduced from 1.119 thousand up to 381 thousand. That is, for 20 years we lost 740 thousand cleverest people! And in fact the loss of "brains of the nation" promises to our country loss in the developing economic race.

Well and the last. As it's known, the fascist management wanted to establish in the occupied Soviet territories such conditions for the local people that they could freely have tobacco, alcohol, did not practice hygiene and could count maximum up to hundred. All that is extremely clear stated in the plan "Ost" and after-dinner speeches of Fuhrer.

Well, I do not know about personal hygiene but the fact that provincial population of Russia becomes an inveterate drunkard and the Russian education becomes worse and worse from year to year tells a mile off. To get convinced of the first, it is enough to go in the evening to the streets of any small town and to look what local youth is doing. While to realize degradation of domestic education is possible to ask acquaintances how many of them have graduated from low-standard regional branches of the Moscow high schools and other "innovative institutes" and "legal academies".

Weekly journal The Times Higher Education in its annual report confirms falling of a level of the Russian Alma Mater - Moscow State University got only 182-nd place in a rating of world universities in 2008. It's clear thing, nothing could be said about other Russian high schools.

I do not know, how long this second edition of cold war will continue and whether it will turn sometime into "thirty-years" but I would not like if in 2018 the one who is now our opponent, looking at our shattered country, will pronounce satisfied: "It was a nice hunting!" (с)

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