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On the Eve of Spring Meetings the President Visited Base of Punishers

On the Eve of Spring Meetings the President Visited Base of Punishers

Yesterday president Dmitry Medvedev arrived with inspection to Shchelkovo situated near Moscow, to the base of OMON "Zubr" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.


Special policy groups haven't been renamed from OMON in OPON or some other structure yet. Though the first steps of reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the basis of "Zubr" are nevertheless seen. Anyway, inscription "Police" was already present on all motor transport, special equipment and helicopters which were showed yesterday to the head of the state. The same stripes could be seen on the form of employees of aircraft of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia which was involved in demonstration performances. So changes are evident.


Dmitry Medvedev examined material base of "Zubr" situated near Moscow. He was shown all types of the arms which are in arsenal of squadron, was told about special equipment.


The president appreciated successes of the squadron in maintenance of the public law and order, having awarded several of its employees. Medvedev handed over Order of Honour to the commander of the squadron, the major general of militia Alexander Ivanin and Medal for Distinguished Service in Defending Public Order to the senior engineer-sapper, major of militia Vitaly Vorobev and the assistant to the commander of 1st strategic troop of 1st strategic battalion of "Zubr", senior lieutenant of militia Dmitry Savkin.


From editorial board: The fact that Medvedev, just having dared to confront with Putin openly, decided to show his sympathy to "Zubr" - mode support - is clear as a whole. "Zubr" received wide popularity after suppression of protest actions of automobilists in Primorski Krai, there were other feats later which Medvedev noted with high awards.


During discussion of reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs I clearly explained, why such formation as OMON should be disembodied. Hybrid of special troops and police officers will always be a threat for democratic freedoms. All over the world functions of the fighter of special troops and function of the policeman are strictly dissolved and only in our country OMON fighters armed cap-á-pie and prepared for war are pretty often involved... in protection of public order.


If the Ministry of Internal Affairs so needs special troops - let it be as a part of internal troops. What does the member of special unit need the rights of the policeman for? What is the need to distract elite division for protection of public order, to be exact - for crackdown of meetings which for some reasons aren't pleasant to the authorities?


"Reform" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs ended simply in rebranding and personnel reshuffle.

By the way, after events on Manezh Square - ordinary under European measures - it was decided not to axe OMON at all, on the contrary, the decision to increase number of "police special units" was accepted in Moscow (perhaps it's the only real result of Manezh Square - "search to whom it is favourable").

Now Medvedev decided to show his respect to punitive, as a matter of fact, police division personally. By the way, good name - Punitive Police Unit...

By the way, punishers is not an insulting nickname, it's function name. It became insulting after activity of such units before revolution of 1917. Though even before revolution feats of punitive divisions were never marked by state awards - it was shameful to award for victories over "internal enemy".


Аnatoly Baranov

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