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World Experts Start Telling Lies about Safety of Radiation Contamination

World Experts Start Telling Lies about Safety of Radiation Contamination

Under the forecast of United Nations, emissions of radioactive substances from damaged Japanese reactors can spread across Pacific Ocean, reach the Aleutian Islands on Thursday and south of California to Friday evening. It's stated in the report of United Nations that radioactive loop would reach the southwest of the USA including Nevada, Utah and Arizona.


Physicians and nuclear scientists underline that radiation loop will dissipate in the process of moving and at worst will lead to extremely insignificant consequences for health of the population of the USA.


The same way radiation which ran all over the globe after Chernobyl catastrophe in 1986 reached the western coast of the United States in 10 days and it could be measured though the level was minimal.


It's present situation and on March, 16th World Health Organization excluded distribution of radiation from emergency Japanese atomic power stations to the territory of other countries.


"World Health Organization intends to inform the governments of the countries and the public that at present there are no proofs of serious global distribution of radiation from nuclear objects", - representative of World Health Organization in Peoples Republic of China Michael O'Leary told to agency Reuter.


- It turns out to be interesting, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov noticed. - On the very same March, 16th experts of the European Commission already call event on the Japanese atomic power stations "apocalypse" and appropriate situation 6th severity level on IAEA scale, citizens are gradually evacuated from Tokyo while World Health Organization considers that there is no threat to the neighbouring countries! For example, I - who wrote about quarter of a century ago dissertation about acute radiation syndrome - consider that situation became extremely menacing already on March, 14th judging from the most scrappy data, while experts of World Health Organization still try to calm public down?! I simply cease to understand something to tell you the truth. My lexicon is exhausted, I can use only abusive words.

Worlds Health Organization works together with the government of Japan and IAEA on this question and considers that only stay in radius of 30 kilometers round emergency nuclear objects can be dangerous for health of people. Earlier representative of WHO in Paris informed about minimal threat of irradiation for inhabitants of Japan...

- Now let's talk about "safe concentration", - Anatoly Baranov continued. - Certainly, nobody say that the cloud of radioactive particles can cause acute radiation syndrome among Aleuts or Californians. At least now. However increase of radiation background, say, twice in comparison with normal that is absolutely imperceptible for people leads to proportional increase in a number of somatic mutations in organism, it also increases risk of appearance of oncological patients twice. Of course, it's all individual but so far as it concerns statistics based on big figures - and the cloud will cover millions people - one can be sure that statistics of oncology growth will be high. Though, of course, interested persons will convince society that nothing terrible happens.

"Now some words about the Russian territories which are closer to "Fukushima", than California, - Anatoly Baranov finishes. - Somehow United Nations commission is not very interested in possible health deterioration of the barbarous people occupying Far East. Our government also shows simply Olympic calmness - if to listen to Onishchenko, the Georgian wine or some type of cheese is threat to health, while nuclear catastrophe in several hundreds kilometers from Vladivostok - absolute trifles. It even can serve as ARD prevention as a microbe - is gentle creature and dies from radiation.


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