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Japanese "Liquidators" Observe Chain Nuclear Reaction on "Fukushima" From Safe Distance

Japanese "Liquidators" Observe Chain Nuclear Reaction on "Fukushima" From Safe Distance
It became necessary to evacuate all personnel from Japanese atomic power station "Fukushima-1" because of sharp splash of radiation level. Under information available, about 50 employees were still there trying to stabilize situation on four of its six reactors. Radiation level gradually decreases - from 1000 micro Sieverts in the morning on March, 16 to 600-800 micro Sieverts. However it's still more than comprehensible levels, therefore workers can't perform even minimum amount of works.

- As we see, there are no heroes similar to liquidators of Chernobyl among Japanese atomic scientists, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov. It is simple a job for which they receive money. Feats aren't included into the contract, therefore excuse us. From the point of view of the rights of workers - it is correct, from the point of view of society, likely, mortally dangerous. But capitalist society is atomized by definition, it doesn't assume general interests, heroes are denied by capitalist society "as a class". Without dependence of historical traditions, complex bushido and traditions of kamikaze. Hero in capitalist society is a fool sitting on a roadside without legs and begging, expensive cars of those who actually should be obliged to him passed him by. So the personnel of the Japanese atomic power stations understands it perfectly well and observes nuclear catastrophe from safe distance. However, there's no such place on Japanese islands.

Tokyo Electric Power Co. informed that 70% of fuel cores on the first power unit of "Fukushima-1" were damaged and 33% - on the second. Serious miscalculations in cooling system of the nuclear reactors caused by earthquake of March, 11th became emergency reason on the largest atomic power station of Japan "Fukushima-1".

- It's much more interesting what caused so steady radiating pollution on the atomic power station, - Anatoly Baranov notices. - If they convince us that covers of reactors remained integral and safe, than short-term intensification of background can be only consequence of leak of a cooling liquid, no other reason can be found. However, it's found out that the Japanese atomic scientists follow condition of reactors from safe distance while monitoring system broke already after the first explosion. Why than radiation background continues to remain for so long? Water has evaporated, everything has passed to atmosphere... Or not? The first reason - the Japanese continue to pour water into the broken off contour, at that there should be only one contour of this type as on LWGR. Thus they support radiation background and proceeding pollution of surrounding space. The second reason - there's still something else. For example, they produce on the sly on the atomic power station radioactive isotopes for some unknown for us reasons on the sly, that were isotopes that leaked into surrounding space.

It is curious that destructive earthquake in Japan was predicted in 1997 by the Russian scientists who published article in magazine «Works of Professorial Club of UNESCO», Utro.ru informs. The doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences, laboratory chief of regional geology and tectonophysics of Pacific Institute of Far East Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences Valery Abramov told it to the edition.

"We foretold that a series of earth shocks with intensity 10 and more points would happen in 2011 in the area of Kanto. This very part of the country has undergone the strongest destruction", - Abramov noticed having shown the issue of the magazine of 1997 with corresponding article to prove his words.

In spring of 2006 the consulate general of Japan in Vladivostok asked to give the results of researches with earthquake forecast, Abramov narrated further. All materials have been given to the diplomats, however he doesn't know, whether they have been used. There was strong enough earthquake that very 2006 in Japan, it, in opinion of the scientists, was a harbinger of present shocks. The Russian seismologists warned then employees of consulate about existing threat.

- The original cause - earthquake and tsunami - are being forgotten behind events on the atomic power station, - Anatoly Baranov notices. - Though a number of the dead and missing only today makes 11 thousand. As it always happens in such cases this figure will grow. Catastrophe in Japanese atomic engineering calls into question mere existence of Japan as a place suitable for life of people and, by the way, probably, removes also a question about Southern Kuriles where at adverse development of situation it will be also impossible to live.

As representatives of Japanese Agency on nuclear safety informed at press conference, level of radiation within the territory of atomic power station "Fukushima-1" varies: constantly goes up and down.

They cited such data: at 10:20 of local time radiation tests in the territory figured 2399 micro Sieverts per hour, at 10:45 - 6,4 millisieverts (6400 micro Sieverts), at 10:54 (4.54 of Moscow time) - 2,3 millisieverts (2300 micro Sieverts), at 11:00 - 3,3 millisieverts. Maximum permissible safe dose of irradiation for a person - 100 millisieverts per hour.

- Such level is possible, if the reactor cover is already damaged, - Anatoly Baranov considers. - Presence of radioactive iodine and caesium in atmosphere was fixed in Tokyo on Tuesday - they couldn't appear from radioactive water flowing away from the cooling system. New fire started early in the morning on Wednesday on the fourth reactor of the atomic power station, as mass-media inform, it's difficult enough to check it up, as "liquidators" observe situation from safe distance. Later authorities informed that a threat of uncontrollable chain nuclear reaction appeared in the pool for worked out fuel cores... Well! Though it could happen only if there's something else except worked out cores...

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