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"Fukushima": Chernobyl Would Cease to Be Recollected In View of Its Insignificance

"Fukushima": Chernobyl Would Cease to Be Recollected In View of Its Insignificance

Explosion happened at the atomic power station "Fukushima-1" in Japan. Smoke column rises over a building of the block of the atomic power station, Agence France Presse transfers referring to TV channel NHK. Earlier it was informed that on Monday admissible level of radiation around atomic power station "Fukushima-1" was again exceeded.


As Associated Press specifies, representatives of authorities believe that it's hydrogen being accumulated under the roof of the third reactor of the atomic power station which blew up.


Radiation background in station vicinities exceeded possible admissible - 500 micro Sieverts - and made 751 micro Sieverts. From the moment of the first explosion at the station which occurred on March, 12th level of radiation near atomic power station "Fukushima-1" increased and decreased repeatedly passing mark 500 micro Sieverts. Maximum value in 1557,5 micro Sieverts was fixed on Sunday.


They continue to use sea water to cool stopped reactors. According to experts, fusion process could have happened in the first and third reactors. Earlier cooling system of several reactors of "Fukushima" stopped working at once.


- It was already mentioned here that unique safety of the Japanese atomic power stations was reached by careful non-disclosure of all data about accidents taking place throughout many years, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov considers. Is caused scandal literally shortly before present earthquake when all hidden became obvious - safety of the Japanese atomic power stations is strongly exaggerated. There were miscalculations even at the level of designing which, for example, allowed tsunami waves to damage objects built behind a dam. And so on. The matter is not in technical details but in information protection - including the details of what really happens now. The whole world speaks about "Japanese Chernobyl" but exact information is extremely fragmentary and isn't always authentic - in this aspect "the communistic" management of the USSR was opener. The question arises at once - whether all aspects of the Japanese nuclear program were initially known to the world community? It is already clear that uncontrollable processes go on in "Fukushima" reactors and results can appear such that as someone at our forum told, people would cease to recollect Chernobyl in view of insignificance of the incident. Though whether processes in the Japanese nuclear industry before earthquake were under control?


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