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Putin Tortured the Piano in Vain: His Charity Fundraising Didn't Reach Children

Putin Tortured the Piano in Vain: His Charity Fundraising Didn't Reach Children

Loud scandal round a charitable concert in "Ice Palace" in St.-Petersburg with participation of the prime minister of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and world stars inflames in Internet and mass-media. Organizers promised that obtained money will go on treatment of seriously ill children. Now it was found out that the means collected disappeared, network edition "Mimozhem.ru" informs.

The concert took place on December, 10th last year. There were known politicians, businessmen, world celebrities among the guests. A bit earlier - the day before the concert some Hollywood stars (Sharon Stone, Mickey Rourke, Alain Delon, Monica Bellucci) visited children with oncological diseases. Evening concert should raise money for their treatment.

During this concert, we will remind, the prime minister of the Russian Federation took microphone and sang with jazz collective song Blueberry Hill accompanying himself on grand piano. After execution of the composition Putin once again sat down and strummed a melody "From Where Does the Motherland Begin?" As mass-media wrote then, Putin made it for the sake of children for whose support the action was organized.

However in almost 3 months children still wait for money for treatment, it was told to the edition by mother of 13-year-old Lisa Kuznetsova - the girl whom Sharon Stone presented her amulet during visit of Hollywood stars to Northern capital. "Collected means, apparently, made enormous sum, I know, for example, that place at one table with Mickey Rourke and Sharon Stone cost about one million roubles", - the mother of the child told.

As she said, "those means were gathered by some fund "Federation" but nobody ever heard about such fund" and whence it appeared - nobody knows. "Three months passed - uttermost silence, - the mum of seriously ill girl is distressed. - Neither fund, nor collected means".

The woman wrote open letter in a blog of Matvey Ganapolsky on "Echo Moscow" aiming to attract attention of the public and to find out where "children's money" went to.

The woman also wrote about current situation to the president of Russia Dmitry Medvedev in Twitter.

Fund "Federation" asserts that it didn't raise money for children

In its turn innovative fund "Federation" asserts that it didn't raise money for oncologically ill children in St.-Petersburg in December at charitable concert where known actors and politicians were present and considers unreasonable criticism of the inhabitant of Petersburg Olga Kuznetsova who accused philanthropists in dishonesty.

The PR-manager of the fund "Federation" Christina Snickers informed news agency RIA News that their welfare fund isn't engaged in gathering of material and financial help to sick children. "I've just received a link to the letter of this mum, we are shocked. Cause we didn't gathered money. We even didn't sell tickets to the concert", - she said.

Snickers also denied information that the place near to known Hollywood actors at the specified concert cost up to 1 million roubles. "What place? It's nonsense! They came and took places they wanted. It is full delirium", - the PR-manager noted.

Snickers also underlined that innovative fund "Federation" "works under the western principle". It carries out indicative charitable actions and philanthropists decide themselves whom particularly to help and then they help directly. The fund only show who and what help needs.

"That is we don't raise money. We even don't have any account where this money could be transferred. There are a lot of rich people in our country. There are also people who help various funds and there are people who support our fund and give money. They don't transfer money to us, they simply help us", - Snickers told.

Anyhow, it's not clear, what the essence of the marathon is then and where money which children and their parents wait for go to.

In attempt to understand this scandal story "Echo of Petersburg" phoned a person with name Vladimir Kiselyov who, according to radio station source, is the head of the fund "Federation".

However the person who answered a call and confirmed that he's Vladimir Kiselyov answered to the attempt of the radio station to find out something about a management of the fund "Federation" and to ask apropos the story with charitable concert in "Ice Palace" the following: "Read newspapers. Everything's written there. I advise you not to search. Nobody will tell you anything. Fund "Federation" is engaged in its work and you are engaged... in your work. Everyone is engaged in his business.

"Echo of Petersburg": "Simply today we got the news..." Kiselyov: "I tell you once again. Have you heard me? News can't be of today. News will be tomorrow. Today's news is already rotten news. Fresh fish - tomorrow". "Echo of Petersburg": "And what will be tomorrow, if it's not a secret? "Kiselyov: "News will be tomorrow. Have good time. That's my advice - don't waste time..."

The source of the edition "Mimozhem.ru" in the committee on culture of Petersburg on conditions of anonymity also informed that the concert was organized from Moscow by (most likely) ex-musician and nowadays producer Vladimir Kiselyov who also heads the State Unitary Enterprise "Kremlin" created in 2000 within the limits of Department of Presidential Affairs of the Russian Federation (then Putin was the president).


"The Kremlin amusement organizer"

It was noticed that State Unitary Enterprise "Kremlin" at first organized skating rink on Red Square in Moscow, then brought to the country main square Plasido Domingo and later other world stars, is marked in the publication.

Vladimir Kiselyov is more known to general public as art director of popular in the Soviet period pop-group "Zemlyane". However in 1988 that musical collective refused from Kiselyov's services and the next years Kiselyov's "notoriety" got a bit different character.

There was a big article about Vladimir Vladimirovich Kiselyov published in August, 2001 in the newspaper "Leningradskaya Pravda" where among other was written about his close acquaintance with Putin (rumours say, they even were classmates) and Kiselyov's communications with the Petersburg criminal world in "dashing 90s", in particular with "criminal king" of Petersburg Alexander Malyshev (who is now in demand in Spain).


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