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Inhabitants of the Kremlin Have Got Occupied with the Problem of Utilization of Putin in 2012

Inhabitants of the Kremlin Have Got Occupied with the Problem of Utilization of Putin in 2012

In case the prime minister of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin won't participate in presidential election in 2012, he would be offered a post of the head of the International Olympic committee. "The Independent Newspaper" writes about it on Friday, March, 4th referring to a source in the State Duma.


The interlocutor of the edition asserts that the question of Putin's "employment" after elections will be discussed at a meeting of the president of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev with vice-president of the United States Joseph Biden which will pass on March, 9th in Moscow. The source considers that Biden's visit itself confirms support of Medvedev's stay for the second term by the West.


Experts interrogated by "The Independent Newspaper", however, treated the words of the source skeptically. Scientific council of the Moscow Center of Carnegie stated assumption that similar messages are being spread to create impression that "all has been predetermined".


Experts from the Center of Studying of Elite of Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences considered that the USA has no levers of influence on presidential election in the Russian Federation and it will be the Russian elite which will make the decision on promotion of this or that candidate. At the same time they declared there that if Medvedev would presidential candidate, Putin can receive high post in one of the international organizations, for example, to head the United Nations.


- In modern Russia so-called "expert estimations" have turned to a way of latent flattery to the heads, however, it's even not so hidden, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov considers. - Whether it is possible to imagine that, for example, Mubarak would be invited to become the head of the United Nations in reply to his promise not to stand in presidents of Egypt in September? Or Kaddafi would become the president of IOC? Though relation to Putin in the world isn't better at all. Only "experts" from the Center of Studying of Elite of Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences can seriously argue on such things who to the to "expert estimations" necessarily should add the request to pay salary for last year. Well, one should think a lot before writing that the USA doesn't have levers of influence on the Russian elite! It's different question that now even court editions discuss question of Putin's utilization. They do it in extremely complementary form but still discuss this very question - it's always so, at first the United Nations and IOC, then a cell with good view of Hague. I have counter offer - Putin should head the international expedition to Mars! Very good solution of a problem Putin-2012. If he will disagree - it is possible to disconnect gas for a short while... If he will return in two years - he could head Gagarin-fest.

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