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Site of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Published Instruction How Not to Suffer from Actions of Policeman

Site of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Published Instruction How Not to Suffer from Actions of Policeman

The Ministry of Internal Affairs placed instruction to help citizens to understand the federal law «About Police» which came into force on March, 1st. The rights, duties and attributes of policemen are listed in the brochure, cases when police can get into the house and apply force are also describe there.

The list of occasions to check identification card of the citizen and detention is included in the grant for the term of no more than 48 hours. Thus in an instruction it is said that the citizen should be informed on the right to services of the lawyer and the translator, to phone call, the notice of relatives about detention and on refusal of an explanation summer residence.

Instruction describes in detail order of penetration of policemen into the house: law enforcement officer can get into the house or apartment (applying force to break a door) to rescue life of citizens or their property, safety of citizens or public safety, for detention of persons suspected of committing crime, for crime suppression; for establishment of circumstances of accident.

It's also specified at enumeration of situations when policeman has the right to apply physical force that at absence of special means or fire-arms law enforcement officer can apply make-shifts.

The brochure includes the list of occasions for check of identification card of the citizen and detention for less than 48 hours. At that it's stated in the instruction that citizen should be informed about the right to address the lawyer and interpreter, to make phone-call, to inform relatives about detention and to refuse to give evidence.

From editorial board: Citizens already express their bewilderment: "Why I, obedient citizen, should study rules for communication with "police"? It should be him who should present himself, show documents, explain the reason of claims and to explain my rights. Why should I know it? If I work in police? Or I am a priori guilty in something to have skills of the lawyer? May be it's a kind of instruction "Rules of Behavior with Wild Animals"?


Explanation: you live in the country which is called the Russian Federation, not in the USSR or in free and independent Honduras. Therefore for your own good try to forget when talking to authorities a phrase like: "Why should I?" You should. That's all.


If in the damned communistic USSR for application of unlawful technique at detention of even armed gangster, employee of national militia could be brought to trial, in the state which is called the Russian Federation the policeman under the law (!) has the right to beat you using everything he likes, then it will be found out that he protected public order from yours encroachments. Justice always will be on his side. Because the judge also has children, relatives and he is himself quite defenseless before the guards. Not so long ago in Tuapse area police officer put a mop into the ass of the arrested person - there was no either a rubber bludgeon, or the Kalashnikov gun at his disposal. He was compelled to use what he had at hand...

Try not to recollect the Constitution of the Russian Federation as well - it usually irritates officials in the state of the Russian Federation and can be unsafe. Under the Constitution the dwelling is inviolable but under the new law "About Police" a number of occasions when policeman can break in to your house is so great and they are so vaguely formulated that if having come back home you will find out that the door is broken and observers of law are inside drinking cognac from your bar, don't be indignant, just suggest them to cut the lemon. Probably, then you won't be beaten strongly - after all you can appear to be not the suspect, may be they just want to find out circumstances of accident.

For God's sake, for your own good, don't hint the policeman that you also have a notion of a circle of his duties and powers - you can immediately find yourself inside this very circle. Then no one will begrudge you.

If you were stopped by policeman and he demands something from you, just agree. To show documents, to empty pockets, to lower trousers a little. Remember - you are in the territory where your life and health cost nothing and your possible sufferings - simply free entertainment.

Don't forget that in the Russian empire which is placed now as an example to us, the word "citizen" was forbidden by the decree of emperor Pavel I in 1796 and before the falling of empire nobody cancelled the decree. As all falls back into place, don't recollect for the sake of your blessing your civil rights.

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