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Dictator Revealed His Raw Spot - His Safe

Dictator Revealed His Raw Spot - His Safe

The Treasury Department of the USA declared freezing of 30 billion dollars in cash and securities belonging to the leader of Libya Muammar Kaddafi and the Libyan government, Bloomberg informs. The decree about financial sanctions in relation to the Libyan leader was signed by the USA president Barack Obama. According to the representative of the Ministry of Finance of the United States David Cohen, the sum became biggest of ever blocked in the history of the USA.


EU also confirmed sanctions in relation to Kaddafi. The decision on freeze of actives of the head of Libya and his nearest environment as well as interdiction on their entrance on the territory of the European Union should come into force in the near future.


The day before UN Security Council accepted resolution about sanctions providing interdiction on leaving Libya by Kaddafi and suspension of sale of the weapon to Libya.


- Society treats Kaddafi not quite unequivocally, - editor-in-chief of  FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov noted. - Yes, he is dictator but he supposedly lives among wild bedouins who couldn't be treated differently. Yes, he is extravagant but he has been resisting world imperialism for already 40 years supplying oil. However 30 billion dollars on personal accounts in the American banks put a lot of things to their places. It's necessary to pay attention in this connection to one more, much more modest information.


Chief executive of the All-Russia Movement "For Human Rights" Lev Ponomarev declared that "Boris Yakemenko, the committee-man of the Public Chamber on preservation and development of native culture, who publicly justified crimes against humanity committed by Muammar Kadaffi's mode against its people, should leave the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation immediately".

UN Security Council declared that "widespread and regular attacks" of the population in Libya could get under definition of crimes against humanity. Statements of Boris Yakemenko - the leader of "Youth Democratic Antifascist Movement "Nashi" - (being quoted here) completely contradict positions of art. 2 of the Federal law "About the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation" as well as to "Code of Ethics of Members of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation".

Boris Yakemenko:

"THE RIGHT WAY" (http://boris-yakemenko.livejournal.com/123688.html and http://nashi.su/position/349 01

The leader of Libya colonel M.Kaddafi showed to the whole world how it is necessary to deal with provokers who aspire to revolution, destabilization and civil war. He started killing them.

Using rockets and everything that is at his disposal. It is the right way to termination of applications of the American "revolutionary" technologies".

- I understand it so that the mode of colonel Kaddafi nevertheless has very little in common with a mode of lieutenant colonel Putin, - Anatoly Baranov believes. - Why does the leader of "Nashi" get so agitated? The answer is simple - the sum of billions could be treated as a thing in common. Kaddafi, as it's found out, has 30 billion, Putin, by estimations of the political scientist Belkovsky, about forty. Close figures. So colonel Kaddafi showed if not to the whole world than to our lieutenant colonel and his "Nashi" as one should fight for money. Using rockets and everything that is on hand - I will remind that unlike Libya the Russian Federation is nuclear power.

"As to dismissal of Yakemenko from "The Public Tent" - you won't live to it, - Anatoly Baranov considers. - It's possible that more than a half there think the same. In general on a number of decent people in the Public Chamber - it is far not the most representative body. Actually after Yakemenko still stay there, remained decent people who found themselves by mistake in this unconstitutional body should leave it. Simply owing to the fact that it's indecent to continue staying there. But after all they won't leave, that's the case. Nobody. No one. Here you are direct connection between the modes of the colonel and the lieutenant colonel. I would say - indissoluble, internal and deeply spiritual. Faithful mister Yakemenko simply put it into words".


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