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Famine Seized Sixth Part of Mankind and It's Not the End

Famine Seized Sixth Part of Mankind and It's Not the End
Baranov Anatoly 30.10.2008

According to the report of Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) now there are not less than 925 million starving in the world. This figure is refers to the beginning of 2008, since then at least 44 million more worldwide were added to the number of starving. The number of starving worldwide to the beginning of 2009 will exceed 1 billion people - it's about 1/6 of all population of the Earth. It's the consequence of a global food crisis.

Global financial crisis can aggravate situation even more - consumer ability of the population will be reduced, prices for foodstuffs will be raised, the number of starving will increase. All this leads the world community far and far from the target declared before - to reduce the general level of poverty on the planet to the middle of 2015, "Newsru.com" reminds.

Experts of the United Nations consider that the world is already on a threshold of food, power and housing crises simultaneously. After it conversations about some "steady development" look frank idiocy - what "steady development" we are talking about, if every sixth on the planet starves?

Meanwhile in Russia ideas of "steady development" strongly seized rather weak minds both in the Kremlin and the White house and in the environment of opposition - even the economic program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is based now not on Marx's "Capital" but on the same "theory" of steady development. Where would such "theorists" lead us?

Meanwhile every student who doesn't drink beer but studies something should be known that the capitalist economy is arranged in such a way that it moves from crisis to crisis. This phenomenon, so to say, is dialectic. The capitalist economy is concentrated on reception of profit by any way, that is it's a set of means which one people use to force others to work instead of themselves and for themselves. It's not important, directly or not.

Naturally, such economy generates "bubbles" - it is simply fails not to generate them. As a result the weight of contradictions in capitalist system of managing cumulates and sooner or later starts braking system and it gives failure - crisis comes. As a matter of fact - catharsis, clarification of system from unnatural skews.

For example, how could cafe in the center of Paris cost more, than a machine-building factory somewhere in Kirghizia? Or how could the worker occupied with fabrication of vests in Bangladesh receive 50 dollars for the same work for which the worker in the USA will receive 5 thousand? Whether the labour productivity of the American is hundredfold higher, than of the Bengalese?

Naturally, everyone aspire to push paper on Wall Street instead of breeding corn somewhere in Poltava but not all are as happy as that. Money which accumulates around of "bubbles" of the modern economy draws over itself not only virtual but also real resources - human, material ones. Bright example - manufacture of ethanol from soy. The rise in prices on gasoline is, as a matter of fact, the same "bubble", it has led to that huge sites of land occupied by agriculture, where millions people work, begin to deliver not food to hungry but raw material for manufacture of fuel. It turns out that canister of fuel is more favourable, than required for its quantity of simple food which can be given to some African family to be satisfied for two weeks. It's only one example.

Even more often manpower migrates into cities to more favourable work and the territories once feeding whole peoples becomes empty. Or, as in Afghanistan, opium poppy long time ago became the most profitable agricultural product. In fact drug business is also one of the "bubbles" of modern economy.

Thus financial crisis inherently - structural crisis of world capitalist system, it generates crisis phenomena in quite real sectors of manufacture. Not enough food is being produced in the world though really resources of the planet are capable to support population in 10 times exceeding the present one. Not enough habitation is being built in the world though everyone now speak about "building boom".

As a matter of fact - capitalist economy is economy of disproportions. Disproportions enable few to earn money which in no way can be compared to labour contributions on their "earning". While the majority should work for themselves and "for that guy", it's quite all right - but the lion's share of productive work is wasted on manufacture of unnecessary, superfluous and simply harmful things.

In Russia, naturally, first attributes of food crisis started to be shown. The main reason here is that economy of the Russian Federation is practically completely occupied with service of oil-and-gas "bubble", while own agriculture is not capable to support own population - it's on the sixth part of the planet.

But even few really working agricultural enterprises suffer serious problems because of crisis - instead of to prosper on a background of increased demand for real production. But banks don't give credits, suppliers of fertilizers, technical products demand advance payment and trading networks pay off for the agricultural products delivered with delay in one - two months. Naturally, out-of-limit prices for food stuffs inflate even more - and they will grow further more because objectively there is no enough own food in the Russian Federation so that to satisfy all. We entirely depend on import and in case of faults with deliveries into cities population of the Russian Federation can be surely written in into the starving billion.

All this, certainly, is compounded by reduction of a number of workplaces - obvious and latent and consequently - by reduction of incomes of the population. On a background of obvious rise in prices for food stuffs two curves (rise in prices and falling of real incomes) will cross some time after New Year holidays. It will not be famine yet but really such a position when millions fellow citizens will find out - by and large, there is nothing to eat. By the way, there is no place to run to. Earlier we ran from famine from cities into village, today village is half-starved and poor.

Usually crises improve economy - then new growing of "bubbles" begins. But till the moment of the improvement it is necessary to go through the extremely unpleasant moments - some kind of "shock therapy" vise versa. Usually during such moments reassessment of values and even better - change of public priorities takes place. Society as though receives chance to become more reasonable and more rational - only, apparently, such chance was never used.


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