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Kazakhstani Mubarak Is Preparing Another 7 Years - "His Kingdom There Shall Be No End"

Kazakhstani Mubarak Is Preparing Another 7 Years - "His Kingdom There Shall Be No End"

Early presidential election in Kazakhstan is set for April, 3rd, 2011, is said in the decree of president Nursultan Nazarbaev published on Friday in official mass-media. The decree about appointment of early presidential election is signed on Friday, on February, 4th.


Nazarbaev declared on Monday intention to spend carry out early election after the constitutional council recognized as not corresponding to the constitution the law passed by the parliament which provided referendum on prolongation of powers of the working president till 2020 instead of carrying out of elections in 2012.


Nazarbaev who is in power for already 20 years suggests to carry out early presidential election, probably, under the pressure of public opinion - taking into account his age, next 7 years of powers - it's possible to say - forever.


Opposition has no chances on forthcoming extra presidential election, the adviser of the working president of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbaev Ermuhamet Ertysbaev considers, news agency RIA Novosti informs.


I am convinced that the head of the state will collect more than 90%", - Ertysbaev declared. He considers that opposition has "absolutely no chances". "All understand it perfectly well, first of all, opposition itself", - Nazarbaev's adviser said.

He considers that for opposition "the main task - to fight for the second place, to collect some hundreds thousand votes so that to have places in the future parliament on the following parliamentary elections guaranteed in the opinion of public opinion, in the opinion of all power".

"Serious pre-election strategy is being built not during several months. Opposition should have started building it in December, 4th, 2005 when the result of Nazarbaev's victory on the previous presidential election became known. All opposition should draw conclusions and unite. But more than five years passed and nothing of the kind happened. Therefore during these two months they would fail to do what they should have done for last five years", - Ertysbaev explained.

Nevertheless, Nazarbaev's adviser considers that on forthcoming elections "10-12 candidates will be put forward but maximum five will reach registration".

Еrtysbaev explained so big possible elimination of candidates by the fact that "monetary pledge is necessary, besides it's necessary to pass exam on excellent command of a state language".

"It's written in the Constitution - state language should be known in perfection. It's not so simple even for those wh came from aul. Because one should possess knowledge of corresponding terminology, conceptual and verbal vocabular of political sense", - he explained.

Еrtysbaev noticed that "Nazarbaev goes on elections with very confident position because he himself made the decision on carrying out of early presidential election".

- Only a person with big sense of humour can name today's Kazakhstan "republic", - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov considers. - In the former Soviet Central Asia there were established the modes which are not essentially impossible to replace on elections - only as in Kirghizia. Nazarbaev - is exquisite and ironic person, he kills referendum aiming to vest him with lifelong authorities to declare elections where opposition doesn't have any chance and from the mouth of his assistant publicly sets scenario of future farce - 90% of voices for "Mubarak", no more than 5 candidates, the rest should be eliminated on monetary pledge and language examination which could be failed even by those who were born in aul and know no other language except Kazakh. Thus Kazakhstan, despite years of oil well-being, is full of social contradictions and exploitation of the Kazakhstani workers - is one of the most cruel in the world. At that Nazarbaev is sure to get 90% - whether it could be different if elections were appointed only yesterday and already on April, 3rd people would go to vote? It's clear that pre-election campaign will be formal, that election campaign will end without having begun. Sparring partners will be chosen by the future winner himself.




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