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"Nashi" on the Tip from "WikiLeaks's Friends" Prepare Public Opinion for Show Trial over Spies and Saboteurs

"Nashi" on the Tip from "WikiLeaks's Friends" Prepare Public Opinion for Show Trial over Spies and Saboteurs

The Press Secretary of the proKremlin youth movement "Nashi", a girl with a funny surname Potupchik by name of Christina assumed that the act of terrorism in "Domodedovo" could be organized by the Russian oppositionists by means of Americans to prevent Vladimir Putin's returning to a post of the president in 2012. She suggests to write application into Investigatory committee. Does it seem ridiculous to you?

Recent publication in "Komsomol Pravda" became the basis for such conclusions of Potupchik, it contained texts of several dispatches of the American diplomats declassified by WikiLeaks.

One of them, dated on January, 19th, 2010, about a meeting which took place that very day in embassy of the USA in Moscow. The director of the department of Russia in National Security Council of the USA Michael McFaul accepted representatives of so called not system opposition - Boris Nemtsov, Vladimir Milov, Grigory Bovt from the party "Right Cause" and Vladimir Ryzhkov who is by himself.

It's said in the telegram: "They agreed that the aim of the political opposition within next two years should be work on prevention of Putin's returning to the post of the president. But, according to their opinion and considering Putin's control over society, only some emergency situation can result in his overthrow..."

Authors of the article, Galina Sapozhnikova and one of the founders of fund "WikiLeaks's Friends" Israel Shamir right after this phrase in brackets notice that they meant emergency situation "connected with deterioration of infrastructure or technogenic accident". However the Press Secretary of "Nashi", having copied and having underlined it in black type the given piece of the article, omits this note.

"We have pretty coincidence in Domodedovo, haven't we? - She writes. - Perhaps authors of the telegrams know some details know but hide? Perhaps we should also write application to the Investigation Committee?"

From editorial board: Really ridiculous comment of the ridiculous girl - but absolutely not ridiculous circumstances.


Funny - it's when Putin on the Day of mourning for victims in Domodedovo tells a joke. The Prime Minister failed to invent something better to illustrate his words, than to tell the joke at a session of presidium about development of local government:


"Once a spy comes to Lubyanka and says: I want to hand over. There they ask him: for what country do you spy? If you are American? Then you should go to the fifth room. There they ask: you are the American spy, do you have weapon? If yes - go to the seventh room. In the room 7 they ask: do you have means of special communication? If yes, then - room 20. In the room 20 they asked: do you have task? Yes. Well, then go, execute and don't interfere with other people's work", - Putin told.


All laughed, really it's a funny joke - the American spies are around and bureaucrats don't catch them. Only Christina Potupchik showed vigilance. Just as woman-doctor Lydia Timashuk paid attention of competent bodies to strangenesses in A.Zhdanov's treatment which to the death of the patient.


Details of the "plot" appeared in the nit signed article "Mean spies and murderers behind a mask of professors-doctors" published in "Pravda" on January, 13th, 1953: "The majority of participants of terrorist group - Vovsi, B.Kogan, Feldman, Greenstein, Etinger and others - were bought by the American investigation. They were recruited by the department of the American investigation - the international Jewish bourgeois-nationalist organization "Joint"". 

Let's note, Timashuk addressed in the Central Committee in 1948 year but the case was proceeded only in 1953. Though with big scope - the main therapist of Red Army the major general of a health service M.S.Vovsi and the professor B.I.Zbarsky, the founder of a technique of mummification of Lenin's (and later Stalin's) body were arrested.

What's the aim of analogies?

Let's remind that during Stalin times the percent of not-guilty verdicts was 10 times above, than now (by the way, those who suffered on "doctors' plot" were soon let go). Let's assume that sounding of public opinion in which authorities are constantly engaged (and Christina Potupchik is just the sounding and not ridiculous initiative of the girl) gave positive result - it is time now to begin indicative processes. It's interesting what chances named above "customers of act of terrorism" have in modern Russian courts? (Separate thanks to Sapozhnikova and Shamir, certainly).

Well further - if they would just get the chance to untwist slightly a flywheel, everybody would get under it - the left, the right, bloggers, Tajiks-yard keepers. If Surkov in conversation, by the way, with the same McFaul almost literally quotes words of Duvalier-junior about peculiarities of "sovereign democracy", why the mode not to use further experience of Haiti? After all they long ago acquired position of "our geeks" in "Washington regional committee".


Аnatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk

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