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Russia Actively Buys the American Military Products - Whether Patriot Is Surprised?

Russia Actively Buys the American Military Products - Whether Patriot Is Surprised?

Washington Profile informs, Department of Defense of the USA promulgated the data on scales of purchases of arms, ammunition, military equipment and technique by the countries of the former USSR in 2007 and also on direct financial help of the Pentagon to the countries of CIS. The data on military deliveries and deliveries of products of "double" purpose are resulted in cost calculation, the nomenclature of deliveries is not stated. The Pentagon spent for military help to all foreign states in 2007 in total almost $12011910160. Among its addressees - all countries of CIS, except for Russia and Belarus. Georgia ($25,1 million) which received ammunition, communication facility, aviation technique and equipment, as well as services on training of personnel is the leading one among postSoviet countries (CIS and the Baltic states) on volume of military help given by the USA. On the second place - Lithuania ($23,4 million for rocket arms of the unknown nomenclature, communication facility, spare parts, training and tools). It's being followed by Ukraine ($10,1 million for ammunition, spare parts, swimming means, training) and Uzbekistan ($8,2 million for patrol vessels and spare parts). The list is continued by Kyrghyzstan ($5,7 million for electronics, communication facility), Kazakhstan ($5,3 million for aviation technique and equipment, training), Azerbaijan ($4,86 million for communication facility and training), Estonia ($4,2 million for communication facility, spare parts and training), Latvia ($3,3 million for communication facility, spare parts, training, etc), Armenia ($3,1 million for spare parts), Moldova ($0,57 million for communication facility), Tadjikistan ($0,128 million for spare parts) and Turkmenistan ($0,85 thousand for technical help). The day before State presented report Direct Commercial Sales Export Authorizations for Fiscal Year 2007 about officially approved sales of arms, military equipment and technique abroad by the American companies. Among the countries of CIS and Baltic States in 2007 only Belarus and Moldova spared without the American arms and technique. Russia ($40.7 million) appeared the largest importer of the American weapon and double-purpose technique. Our country, according to State, bought beyond the seas fire-arms and ammunition, electronics, rockets, aviation technique and equipment, explosives, control systems of fire, space systems and other equipment. On the second place there was Georgia ($25 million was spent for fire-arms and ammunition, armor, electronics, aviation technique and other equipment, means of personal protection). The list is being continued by Kyrghyzstan (electronics, artillery systems), Tadjikistan ($7 million for electronics, means of antigas and biological protection), Latvia ($4,4 million for fire-arms and ammunition, electronics, aviation technique and other equipment and so forth), Ukraine ($3,4 million for fire-arms and ammunition, electronics, other equipment), Lithuania ($2,55 million for fire-arms and ammunition, electronics, aviation technique and other equipment, rockets, means of antigas and biological protection and so forth), Azerbaijan ($2,5 million for rocket technique, torpedo, bombs, ship equipment, electronics), Estonia ($2 million for fire-arms and ammunition, electronics, means of antigas and biological protection, control system of fire), Kazakhstan ($0,8616 million for explosives, aviation technique and other equipment, artillery systems, armor), Turkmenistan ($0,1 million for electronics) and Uzbekistan (($0,79 million for auxiliary military equipment). The nomenclature of arms and technique purchased by Russia in the USA in 2007 is not given. Probably, significant part of "military" import is made by equipment for space systems. So, in January, 2008 Zheleznogorsk NPO of Rational Mechanics named after Reshetnev (now JSC "Information Satellite Systems" named after academician Reshetnyov) producing satellites of various purpose informed that it had been using the American radiation proof electronics at creation of satellites and assumed to develop the practice further. On the 22th - 23rd of January, 2008 the enterprise was visited by delegation of the American company Aeroflex. This company is known for its microcircuits intended for work in conditions of high radiating loadings. Later, in April, 2008 the assistant to the general director of JSC "Information Satellite Systems" Victor Kosenko informed that each satellite "Glonass" approximately on one third consisted from import components, accessories and/or units. It was informed also that easy multi-purpose helicopter "Ansat" for the Air Forces of Russia, produced by Kazan helicopter factory (KVZ) in its regular complete set would be equipped with engines manufactured by the American company Pratt&Whitney. This company produces, in particular, aircraft engine F135 for test of F-35 carried out now by the Air Forces of the USA F-35.


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