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A Man Gryzlov Dig Out National Idea

A Man Gryzlov Dig Out National Idea

The speaker of the State Duma of the Russian Federation and the chairman of the Supreme Council of "Edinaya Russia" Boris Gryzlov offered the country his formulation of the national idea: "Stand first in all". "There's national idea for us, Russians, - stand first everywhere and in everything. To aspire to be the leader - peculiar feature of Russians", - Gryzlov told within framework of a working trip to the Kaliningrad region, "Interfax" transfers.

If there really were elections in Russia, being in shoes of "Edinaya Russia" it would have sense to forbid legislatively the speaker to state "thoughts from a head" publicly. Therefore when he is silent, he looks respectful and even intelligent. But as elections in the Russian Federation are fictitious, as well as many other things, of course, let him say whatever he likes - neither his words, nor will of the voters influence the work of the Central Electoral Commission.

Though there's some rational grain in Gryzlov's words - after all it is possible to be the first not only in good but in all! That's it "in all" we have quite many priorities, it is possible even not to try our best.


Having typed in Google key words: "Russia occupies in the world", it's possible to find out that Russia occupies:

1st place in the world on absolute number of decrease of population
1st place in the world on a number of suicides among old people
1st place in the world on a number of divorces and children born out of wedlock
1st place in the world on a number of exposed children
1st place in the world on a number of suicides among children and juvenile

1st place in the world on a death rate as a result of vascular heart diseases
1st place in the world on a number of patients with mental diseases
1st place in the world on a volume of human trafficking
1st place in the world on a number of abortions and maternal death rate
1st place in the world on a volume of heroine consumption (21% of world production)
1st place in the world on a volume of sale of strong spirits

1st place in the world on consumption of pure alcohol and alcohol-containing products
1st place in the world on growth a number of smoking people
1st place in the world on a number of smoking children
1st place in the world on a rate of growth of HIV positive
1st place in the world on a number of avia accidents (13 times higher than average world level)
1st place in the world on a number of billionaires prosecuted by law enforcement bodies
1st place in the world on a number of road accident
1st place in the world on import of Chinese cars
1st place in the world on import of meat of kangaroo from Australia
1st place in the world on physical volume of rough diamonds
1st place in the world on exploded reserves of silver
2nd place in the world on exploded reserves of gold
2nd place in the world on exploded reserves of platinum and the first place on its export
2nd place in the world on a level of bureaucracy
2nd place in the world on a number of dollar billionaires (after the USA)
2nd place in the world on a number of suicides (after Lithuania)
2nd place in the world on a number of murders per capita (after Columbia)
2nd place in the world on export deliveries of arms
2nd place in the world on distribution of false medicine (after China)
2nd place in the world on a volume of porno production

2nd place in the world on a number of children adopted by citizens of the USA
2nd place in the world on a number of migrants
2nd place in the world on a number of prisoners per 1000 people (after the USA)
2nd place in the world on a number of people seeking refuge on the West (after Serbia)
2nd place место among countries possessing the greatest volume of small arms
2nd place in the world on a number of journalists killed for last ten years (after Iraq)
2nd place in the world among producers of illegal video recordings
2nd place in the world among countries - distributors of spam
2nd place in the world on a size of undersea fleet
3rd place in the world on a number of refugees
3rd place in the world on migrants inflow
3rd place in the world on a number of users of cellular communication
3rd place in the world on a number of carjack
3rd place in the world on distribution of children's porno production
3rd place in the world on a number of destructive sects

As you can see, we already stand first in many things, in other - just little efforts of "Edinaya Russia" should be applied and we will gain the lead. Then it would be possible to form national idea not in four words but in four letters...

Аnatoly Baranov

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