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Congratulation on Epiphany: Workers of Community Services Organized Out-break of Hot Water All over the Country

Congratulation on Epiphany: Workers of Community Services Organized Out-break of Hot Water All over the Country
Congratulation on Epiphany: Workers of Community Services Organized Out-break of Hot Water All over the Country

Out-break of a pipe of the main pipeline with diameter of 700 millimeters occurred today in Petersburg on Savushkina Street, 135. Boiled water fountain appeared from the formed hole. 37 buildings, including 25 apartment houses are disconnected from heating. Two persons who received serious burns having got into municipal trap.


41-year-old Petersburger living nearby to the place of accident suffered. He fell into the hole with boiled water overshoe and was taken to the hospital with burns of feet of the third degree. 22-year-old citizen of Slovakia also got into boiled water. He got thermal burns of the third degree of feet and buttocks. The foreigner was also taken to the hospital in grave condition.


Out-break of heating main largest in the history of a city took place in Ekaterinburg near to Volgogradskaya - Belorechensky streets. The booth and cars sank underground because of rupture of the pipeline with hot water. Several many-storied houses remained without heating, streets and court yard are filled with boiled water.


A man of 1957 year of birth appeared one of victims, he was taken to the main surgical corpus of Ekaterinburg city clinical hospital №40. According to the department of EMERCOM of Sverdlovsk area, he got burns of the 3rd degree because of flood of boiled water. A girl who refused hospitalization though being suffered from high temperature of water was mentioned in headline news. At present information on victims is inexact as people at forums inform that they also have got thermal burns.

As the press-service of administration of Ekaterinburg informs, as a result of municipal state of emergency in the South-West (the second for last days) 45 buildings, including apartment houses, schools and kindergartens experience problems with heat and hot water supply. The reason of state of emergency - external corrosion of the pipe. The hole with dimensions of three per four meters, with depth of two meters was formed.

Today at nearby 6.20 a.m. new break of the return pipeline of "TGK-9", Ltd being exploited by "Sverdlovsk Heating Supply Company". According to EMERCOM of Russia, woman of 1969 year of birth suffered as a result of accident, she got burns and was hospitalized to city clinical hospital №40.

- Congratulations on Epiphany, dear Russians, what else can be said? - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov commented. - It's very cold to bathe in Russia, here you are care of citizens... I will remind that this season preparation for winter failed all over the country, so accidents on heat supply system in Petersburg and Ekaterinburg were actually planned. They also planned in the USSR but differently - anyway no one could recollect something similar in Leningrad and Sverdlovsk. This winter being not so cold will be remembered in general for a long time - people will remember light and water switching-offs, breaks of heating plants with victims among population, I believe a lot of other things - after all only half of winter passed. Authorities in Russia in general don't bear any responsibility. For example, attack of governor Matvienko because of death of a child from icicle falling but in fact it's possible that it's not her personal fault. While she and city administration is entirely guilty of the fact that heating systems appeared not ready to winter. For some reason it seems to me that the governor won't answer either for scalded ass of citizen of Slovakia, or for problems of townspeople with boiled water flood during holiday. If it was some minister or even someone supreme got his ass into boiled water - then certainly she would. Whether there's only one ass in Petersburg, while Matvienko is unique...


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