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Assistant to the President Proposes to Cancel Studentships

Assistant to the President Proposes to Cancel Studentships

Assistant to the president of the Russian Federation Arcady Dvorkovich supports cancellation of standard studentships to compensate them by possibility to work. "I will tell unpopular thing but I consider it is correct: if all of us consider that it's necessary to achieve everything by way of work, it is necessary to cancel standard grants because it is a wrong signal. You receive indemnifications for the mere fact of study", - A.Dvorkovich told in online-interview on site of Gazeta.ru.


In his opinion, it is possible to work after study: on chair, in library, in cafe, to make translations. "If you are talented mathematician - you can work for your professor on chair, help to do researches and to receive money for it. If it is future manager - he can work for two-three hours a day in some company", - he explained his position.


- Actually the grant is paid to the student when the state or concrete department is interested to receive good expert and doesn't want that a young man distracted from study for a daily bread earning, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov explains. - The Russian Federation state puts absolutely other target before higher education system - it doesn't need experts, it needs to disguise somehow unemployment among youth. Therefore some inconceivable high schools with necessary to none programs which prepare absolutely unclaimed experts are being created - but all it in large quantity, much bigger, than, say, in the USSR where national economy really required experts. "Antinational economy" of the Russian Federation needs not experts, it needs to weaken pressure of youth upon labor market - that's the reason of impossibly long study at school, here you are system of Unified State Examination instead of competitive examinations that any monkey could take place in HIGH SCHOOL, that's why we have improbable number of students. As a result young man studies up to 30 and then finds out that he studied wrongly and no one needs him with his diplomas. All this will be later, now the government quite logically assumes that if it doesn't need experts, what's the reason to pay for their preparation? Let young men be registered as students and work as waiters, security guards, prostitutes or knights of the road. What do they need grants for? No one waits knowledge from them - not casually graduates of high schools in Moscow go to work today as secretaries, barmen, cops and consider that they are lucky to find such job.

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