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What Do You Who Stole? We Stole

What Do You Who Stole? We Stole
Piontkovsky Andrey 10.09.2008

On June, 26, 2008 Roman Abramovich presented to the sales department of High Court of London (in reply to the claim of his long-term sidekick Boris Berezovsky) own scandalous evidences and in fact confession about acts falling within at once several clauses of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation committed by him.

I have already written what juridically precise classification to those acts was given by scientific editor of the most authoritative proKremlin magazine "Expert" Alexander Privalov and expert of the magazine Alexander Vlasov - "Swindle in structure of criminal community. Clause 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation". Authors completely fairly noted also that "the sale of "Sibneft" which took place three years ago not for the benefit of the state also was the act of swindle".

A.Privalov and A.Volkov precisely enough outlined also a circle of participants of "criminal community" which rank-and-file member, in their opinion, R.Abramovich was. They do not say aloud any names but iron logic of their publication (re-read it once again!) fearlessly and ruthlessly leads to the tops of the Russian authority: "Abramovich was ordered", "Abramovich was tactfully hinted", "Abramovich was authorized to leave to himself". Who specified and authorized? Who these powerful and omnipotent were?

At the moment of scandalous 13,7-milliard-purchase of 75% of shares of "Sibneft" from the company "Millhouse Capital" by "Gazprom" Medvedev Dmitry Anatolievich was the chairman of board of directors of "Gazprom" and the head of administration of the president of the Russian Federation. Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich was the president of the Russian Federation.

Shocked by own conclusions the authors immediately made conclusions that "the first inevitable consequence of the strange letter has already come: Roman Arkadjevich Abramovich henceforth couldn't enter the borders of the Russian Federation... For the first time he officially confirmed rather indecent open secrets, threw a shadow on powerful prime-minister (with whom, as it is stated in the letter to the court, "had and continues to have good labour relations") and in general on the current authority. It's one thing when some turncoats tell to the world about corruption in Russia, other thing - evidence of the direct participant of the frauds recently occupying outstanding post. It won't be forgiven to him here".

Alas, dear experts and adepts were mistaken. One of these days Roman Arkadjevich together with Dmitry Anatoljevich received our Olympians in one of presidential residences near Moscow.

"The New Newspaper" published the second report of Vladimir Milov and Boris Nemtsov "Putin and Gazprom". V.Milov and B.Nemtsov are very known people. It is possible not to agree with their political views. I in particular had to polemize with both of them on different questions. But they had been working for many years professionally in the field of power at the highest level of the state management and perfectly knew situation in "Gazprom". It's possible to argue with conclusions of their report, they can be denied but they couldn't be categorically ignored. They are too sensational - "Last years as a result of swindling connected to withdrawal of actives from "Gazprom", the company lost control over actives in the total cost more than 60 billion dollars (6,4% of own shares, share holdings in Gazprombank, "Sogaz", "Siburg", "Gazprom-media", actives of the largest non-state pension fund "Gazfond") and money resources in the sum of almost 20 billion dollars deduced from the company under the pretext of purchase of shares of "Sibneft" and frauds with trader "Rosurkenergo".

All over again two surnames - D.Medvedev and V.Putin - appear in the report among prospective organizers and beneficiates plus long loop of relatives, friends on well-known cooperative society "Lake" and relatives of friends of the last (Michael Shelomov, Jury Kovalchuk, Jury Shamalov, Nikolay Shamalov, Arcady Rotenberg). 

I quite admit and moreover I assume that those huge actives were withdrawn from "Gazprom" (heritages of a slave labour on galleys of several generations of Soviet people) were divided and directed undoubtedly on some noble purposes: confidential national projects which would lead to a sharp improvement of demographic situation in the country, closed breaking through directions in area of nanotechnologies, special diplomatic efforts on struggle against unipolar world. But we, ordinary citizens, should know about it even in general as far as preservation of the state secret allows.

Your delayed silence concerning R.Abramovich's evidences and charges of V.Milov and B.Nemtsov, dear Dmitry Anatoljevich and Vladimir Vladimirovich, undermines bases of the Russian statehood. Especially - offending public appearance of the criminal near to you on hospitality events even being on a way of active repentance and partial compensation of damage put by him to the state.

Whether you are not reported about his letter to the London court, about brilliant article in well-known to you magazine "Expert", about analytical researches of V.Milov and B.Nemtsov?

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