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The Government Proposes to Raise Tribute Paid by Summer Residents

The Government Proposes to Raise Tribute Paid by Summer Residents

Ministry of Economic Development and Trade suggests to correct the procedure of cadastral recording of the real estate belonging to physical persons. It's being done to execute instructions of the president - because of non-registration of constructions local budgets underget tax on property of physical persons.

Municipal land inspections are considered to be invested in powers for revealing of the real estate not registered in cadastre. Further should follow simplified estimation of constructions, the cost should be included in cadastral cost of the site and the proprietor starts paying different ground tax. It's difficult to state market cost of not registered real estate, therefore it will be close to the inventory: land tax will basically grow for owners of not registered country and individual apartment houses with area more than 200 sq. m, for the proprietors of smaller constructions the tax will increase by some roubles or won't grow at all.

The report with measures offered by Ministry of Economic Development and Trade will be sent to the president this week. It is planned that new rules of registration will come into force from the second half of 2012, however, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade suggests to introduce them in 2013 when single tax on real estate will replace land and property taxes.

From 21 million summer residents and gardeners 69% - pensioners, so offered measures will inevitably have social effect.

Citizens don't want to get registered voluntary, it is unprofitable - measurement service costs about 15 000 roubles. Plus, so to say, for own money the person gets mass of problems and as a result starts paying more money. It's not clear what he gets in exchange.

- Local authorities in no way connect increase of these or those payments with necessity to do something for tax bearers, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov reminds. - Appearance of additional money leads to increase of salaries, improvement of offices, acquisition of office transport and so forth. Concrete example - power supply networks starts gathering money by themselves after ruin of united power grid but quality of their work hasn't become considerably better, investments into infrastructure haven't increased - New Year's switching-offs of light in the Central Russia became consequence of it. There is nobody to answer for it - all enterprises are private, their expenses are covered by trade secret, even if formally enterprises have municipal or state status. The same situation is with local taxes - there are no technologies how to ask for expenditure of taxes from the party in power "Еdinaya Russia" - you should pay, that's all. Naturally, all who can avoid payment - don't pay. Taxes which are gathered without control over their expenditure from the part of tax bearers - are not taxes, it's tribute. Well, when did people in Russia render tribute voluntary? Today in Putin Russia we are not citizens, we are tributaries, we are not owners in our state. We behave accordingly.



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