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I demand an immediate end to the state/police attacks on Voice of the Republic

I demand an immediate end to the state/police attacks on Voice of the Republic

To Whom This May Concern:

I send my solidarity with the embattled journalists of Voice of the Republic, who are braving the constant, stepped-up attacks by state authorities against their fundamental rights of free journalistic speech and the dissemination of true and accurate information to the people of Almaty and throughout Kazakhstan. 

Free and unfettered news gathering and broadcast, journalistic enterprises and media organizations operating without the threat of attack and oppression by state authorities and able to publish their editorial opinion without fear of reprisal, comprise one of the pillars of a truly free and open society and operate at the frontline of the people's struggle for an end to  ignorance and oppression. 

Moreover, the extent of true freedom of the press and media is a clear indicator of the presence - or absence - of real democratic freedom in any country.  Certainly, investigative and editorial print journalists are amongst the chief defenders of democracy in any republic purporting to be democratically constituted, because they report the truth to the people: It is this truth that forms the basis of, and enables and underpins, united democratic social action by a well-informed and confident citizenry. 

Therefore, attacks by the police and other state authorities on "Voice of the Republic" clearly are blatant attacks against the sovereignty and freedom of the people and against their basic civil and human right to inform themselves and truly gain a ‘voice in the republic.'  These police attacks, and all similar repressive tactics brought to bear by the state authorities, must cease immediately!

I applaud the brave journalists of Voice of the Republic who will not be intimidated from carrying out their duty to truthfully inform the people!

I condemn the attacks on the Voice of the Republic and all similar attacks on freedom of the press and media, from whatever quarter. 

The repressive state authorities of Kazakhstan stand condemned in the eyes of the world, for their illegal and unconstitutional drive to reduce the people of Kazakhstan to a state of fear, intimidation, oppression, poverty and enslavement.

For my part, I will do all in my power to join my protest  to that of the whole civilized and progressive world's which condemns in no uncertain terms the repressive actions of the state authorities of Kazakhstan, and continues the great work of upholding freedom and dignity of the people, and restoring civil and human rights to the citizenry of Kazakhstan, and which unreservedly denounces these disgusting attacks on Voice of the Republic.


Thompson E. Potter, Jr.

Member, Boston Socialist Alternative
(in solidarity with The Committee for a Workers International - CWI and CWI Kazakhstan)

Member, American Federation of State, Country and Municipal Workers (AFSCME) Local 3650, Harvard Union of Clerical and Technical Workers (HUCTW) (personal capacity)

Forwarded message
From: Francisco d'Oliveira Raposo
Date: 2011/1/14
Subject: Sindicalistas de Lisboa, Portugal em Solidariedade com a Voz da Republica - TradeUinon leaders from Lisbon, Portugal in Solidarity with "Voice of Republic"
To: respublika_kz@list.ru

Dear brothers

We had just received v notice via Committe for a Workers International that "Voice of Republic" is under attack of the State apparatus.
We want to express our Solidarity and support.
We will ensure that Portuguese Trade Union movement know about your struggle in defence of Free Information

Yours in solidarity

Francisco d'Oliveira Raposo - Executive Comission and Internationa Officer of Lisbon Municipal Workers Union (Sindicato dos Trabalhadores do Muncipio de Lisboa - STML)
Rui Almeida - Leadership of STML
Luis Pinto - Leadership of STML
João Fonseca - Leadership of STML
José António Almeida - Leadership of Lisboa

(all in personal capacity)
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