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Preventive Arrests of Opposition Continue in Moscow

Preventive Arrests of Opposition Continue in Moscow
Vladimir Tor was arrested on Manezhnaya Square, Natalya Kholmogorova writes: "As you know, yesterday Vladimir Tor was let to go. Today he was again detained!!! Again under the same scenario (only this time he even didn't meet anybody, he simple went to the street), he was again brought to the same District of the Department of Internal Affairs, the lawyer was again didn't admitted to him, again they write frankly forged report about "disobedience to legal requirements of police officers". Apparently, he again will stay in prison for 10-15 days! It simply some holiday! I think he even had no time to eat".

- As you wish, ladies and gentlemen, colleagues and comrades but I think we have to forget about "ideological distinctions" for a while, - Denis Bilunov writes. - It seems to me that it should be done not even for a while. All political prisoners should be released.

- Fictitious justice is equal to all, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov considers. - It is equal both to the left and to the right, to liberals and to thugs. It's necessary to fight with fictitious justice together, however I have no desire to join next to "movement of December, 11th". However, it's a question whether it's possible to treat those who were subjected to administrative arrest as political prisoners but we have today true, indisputable political prisoner - Grigory Torbeev. He is in pre-trial detention center since November, 12th, he is threatened with real 3 years of prison for imaginary resistance to militia - only yesterday I saw his lawyer Alexander Gusak, we discussed Torbeev's case with the Bar management. Position of charge is known - they want to make Torbeev's case indicative, supposedly, if the left don't want to understand administrative measures, criminal cases will be fabricated. It reminds "Mohnatkin's case" when clear message was sent to simple citizens - to mind own affairs, say, vip-persons of opposition will receive both public support and attitude to them will be softer not to have problems with authorities, while ordinary citizens will feel all power of the judicial case. So, they won't succeed with "Torbeev's case" - we will struggle for each person, not looking at his formal status. The first that we guarantee to court is detailed publicity of all flaws of fictitious justice. I want to congratulate with happy New Year the judge Kovalevskaya, I hope that she spent holiday in the bosom of her family unlike Grigory Torbeev who for not quite clear reasons has to be in custody following pre-trial restrictions. For some reason in our country not murderers and thieves are considered to be dangerous to society - they are often release under recognizance not to leave or even without it as in case of Egor Sviridov's murder - but musicians, writers, poets, scientists. Grigory Torbeev - the musician, it's clear that he should be imprisoned. As the writers Limonov and Murtazin, the journalist Rozhkov, the artist Loskutov. They are dangerous people. And we, of course, won't forget moral feat of the judge Kovalevskaya who is on guard of interests of society and protects us from Grigory Torbeev - we never will forget it. There is a hope that our judges and others law enforcement officers will feel attention to themselves from visa bodies at attempts to go to decent countries. Possibly, their families and relatives would get proud of them when their colleagues would start reminding of civil feats of our law-enforcement officers. It would be great if people start recognizing our best judges in streets and welcomed them with enthusiastic shouts, automobile sirens and bark of dogs. That is their life in grateful society seemed continuous honey.

PS. Our operator was detained in the evening on Manezhnaya Square in Moscow. Despite presence of the editorial certificate and professional video facilities - militiamen declared that they need some accreditation. Detention was the answer to the question: "Where to get accreditation for picking-up in the street from - may be from the yard keeper?" The correspondent was placed into the wagon but after a while he was nevertheless let to go without apologies and explanations.

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