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Grigory Torbeev Remains Prisoner of Conscience

Grigory Torbeev Remains Prisoner of Conscience

On December, 30th the judge of Tverskoj district court of Moscow A.B.Kovalevsky prolonged imprisonment of the participant of Day of Anger, active member of the Left Front Grigory Torbeev till February, 13th, 2011. Active member who arrived from Chelyabinsk has no constant residence in Moscow and it became the reason for passing of such judgment as well as the version that he ostensibly "can put pressure upon witnesses", it was done despite of petition of defence to free Torbeev under recognizance not to leave.

"Torbeev's arrest was illegal and prolongation of his staying is also illegal. We will notice that Torbeev has an apartment lease contract in Moscow as well as permanent job. However the court ignored all these facts", - defence attorneys Alexander Gusak and Valery Shuhardin declared after termination of judicial session.

Grigory Torbeev's detention. You can see the way he was detained, according to investigation, he nevertheless managed to strike militiaman with the help of flyer.


Grigory Torbeev is accused in accordance with part 1 article 318 of the Criminal Code of Russian Federation "Application of violence not threatening to life or health in relation to representative of power". According to case papers, Grigory struck the militiaman with burning flyer across the face. Later in the hospital militiaman recorded a bruise on the face and grazes but there was no talking about damage of eyes.

Let's note that the story about "health deterioration of the victim" is inflated by Information Management of the Municipal Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow with such force that now it's already clear - authorities are going to make process over Torbeev indicative punishment for not system opposition.

Meanwhile, eyewitnesses of the event and the lawyer, according to the accused, declare that he didn't undertake any actions with the purpose of drawing harm to militiamen. On the videorecording which has been spread in the Internet by portal "Petrovka-38", where it is shown how "suffered sergeant" Eugenie Kovalenko comes to medical inspection, is visible that both eyes are in order - he see normally, looks well and doesn't submit any signs of physical discomfort. As the lawyer told, there are no health certificates of the suffered man among case materials.

At present protection of Torbeev undertakes all possible that he will be free. Within the next few days defence attorneys intend to submit appeal on the decision of Tverskoj district court.

- Judges believe that unreasonable judgments they pass will never in their terrestrial life cause them any troubles, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov comments. - But it's not so. Today political situation is one but tomorrow it will change and those who give private instructions to judges how to judge and what judgments to pass at this change of situation, as usual, will fade into the background. Judges will appear in private with their illegal decisions documentary confirmed. As well as with other judges who will judge not on a call but under law. Inviolability of judges is a trap. Tomorrow the situation will exchange and things which seemed to be covered with inviolability would become object of steadfast judicial proceedings.


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