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Serbs Will Exchange Radovan Karadzic for Membership in ЕU

Serbs Will Exchange Radovan Karadzic for Membership in ЕU

Serbian special services arrested the former leader of Bosnian Serbs Radovan Karadzic. Such application was made by the president of Serbia Boris Tadic.

As RIA "News" transfers with reference to National Safety Council of Serbia, Karadzic was detained on Monday late at night. According to the law on cooperation with International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) Karadzic was already delivered to pretrial detention centre of the court on military crimes in Belgrade.

No details are resulted. There is no information about the place of detention.

British telechannel Sky News informs that arrest of Karadzic coincided with arrival to Belgrade of the main public prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia Serge Brammerts planned for Tuesday.

As it's known, this organization demands surrender of three main figurants on affairs about crimes against humanity during war in the former Yugoslavia from the Serbian part. Besides Karadzic there are also the former commander-in-chief of army of the Bosnian Serbs general Ratko Mladic and the president of the republic of already nonexistent already Serbian Kraina Goran Hadzhic.

Making comments on the news about Karadzic's arrest Brammets congratulated authorities of Serbia "on achievement of this mark in cooperation with the Hague tribunal". "It is a very important day for victims who have been waiting for this arrest for more than ten years", - he said. "It's also important day for the international justice because it clearly shows that nobody can be inaccessible to the law and that sooner or later all figurants will be sent before court". The date of transfer of Karadzic to Hague will be determined in the near future, Brammets specified.

Arrest of the former leader of the Bosnian Serbs caused approving reaction also from the part of other representatives of the international political public. In particular, the commissioner on questions of expansion of EU Olli Ren named the event a historical "mark in cooperation of Serbia with ICTY". As he said, Karadzic's arrest "confirms aspiration of a new management (of Serbia) to achieve full cooperation with the tribunal" and was "a very important (event) for the European aspirations of Serbia".

It is known that direct prospects of the further eurointegration of Serbia depend on extradition of three main figurants on affairs about crimes against humanity during war in the former Yugoslavia - Karadzic, Ratko Mladic and Goran Hadzhic. We shall remind that introduction into EU is the main political target which the president of Serbia Boris Tadic adheres.

Official representative of NATO named arrest of the ex-leader of the Bosnian Serbs "good news to the world community" but with condition that confirmation of the fact of Karadzic's detention would follow. Probably, expectation of that event was so long that some Western politicians till now cannot believe in it, ITAR-TASS notices. However in Tadic's application is clearly said that Karadzic "had been found out and arrested".

News about detention of the ex-leader of the Bosnian Serbs Radovan Karadzic searched for war crimes caused a splash of joy among the Moslems making the majority of the population of the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Sarajevo. Bosnian news agency Srna informs.

Despite of a rain, big groups of people gathered in city streets on the night of Tuesday. They sang victorious songs, many held the Bosnian flags of the times of the middle of 1990th in hands. Columns of cars with national banners which drivers hooted in horns drove along the streets.

According to police of Sarajevo, security measures were stepped up but no incidents were fixed.

In Belgrade security measures reached "the highest level". They, as the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Serbia specifies, are undertaken in the preventive purposes and situation in the Serbian capital is under the full control of police.

After the news about Karadzic's arrest a group of young people gathered on the Republic Square in the center of Belgrade to express support to the arrested person but was detained by police, the Belgrad mass-media informed.

On supervision of journalists, another group of young people dressed in T-shirts with emblem of ultranationalist movement "Image" which from time to time scanned: "Radovan Karadzic" gathered near the building of Special court surrounded by police where Karadzic was delivered.

According to Serbian telechannel "B92", in the center of the capital of Serbia there was increased quantity of, additional protection was cordoned near the embassy of the USA.

Under factoid, showed on Serbian telechannel Fox, Karadzic could be detained directly in the center of the Serbian capital in microdistrict Vrachar.

Radovan Karadzic, as it's known, was the leader of the Bosnian Serbs during interethnic and interreligious conflict in Bosnia in 1992-95. He is accused of giving of orders to shoot at peace population during 43-month's siege of Sarajevo and also in participation in murder of eight thousand Moslems in Srebrenitsa. Events in that city, in the east of Bosnia, were at once evaluated by the world community as the barefaced act of genocide.

Since 1997 Karadzic went underground. Places where he could hide for whole 11 years became a subject of numerous guesses in the world political circles. ICTY put forward charges in war crimes against Karadzic on July, 25, 1995. Award in 5 million dollars was set for information about him and his colleague Ratko Mladic.

Making comments on Karadzic's arrest, the head of the Ukrainian editorial board of FORUM.msk Vladimir Filin personally familiar with the former leader of the Bosnian Serbs said that humanly he pitied arrested person though, certainly, the crimes committed by Serbs against Croats and Moslems in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1992-95 demanded assize. Vladimir Filin noted that Karadzic's arrest was "a strong act of the pro-German president of the country Boris Tadic who headed for eurointegration". Simultaneously, "it is an impact against Serbian fascism - one of the most severe in the history of Europe for which representatives half of Serbs votes on elections till now".

"It's also a lesson to all who provokes interethnic opposition and conflicts, in particular, in Crimea and Sevastopol - the same destiny waits for them", - Vladimir Filin added.

Political analyst of FORUM.msk Ruslan Saidov reminded of man-made tragedy in Srebrenitsa in summer of 1995 where "Serbian fascists of Karadzic and Mladic on ethnic and confessional principle killed 8 thousand civil males from among the Bosnian Moslems including teenagers and very old men. Karadzic should be charged with this and other crimes, for genocide".

Ruslan Saidov drew a parallel "between the Serbian crimes against the Bosnian Moslems, Croats and Kosovan Albanians and actions of federates in the Chechen Republic", having expressed hope that here "it won't ended with recognition as murderers Budanov and Ulman".

Editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov considers that it's not possible to draw direct parallels between Serbia and the Chechen Republic, at least because nobody offers Russia eurointegration in exchange for "small moral concessions" and no international tribunal threaten to the guilty of two Chechen wars. Despite of frankly fascist character of the state order developed in Russia, if someone will create the tribunal condemning actions of the Russian authorities, it will not be Europe or America, but such internal forces as, for example, the committee of National Assembly under the Civil Tribunal.

Fascist state forming in Russia quite suits the world community, but one shouldn't create illusions, Anatoly Baranov considers. As we see, this state finds common language with those who yesterday were at war with it in the Chechen Republic - these are mentally close people, it's not a random that the participant of act of terrorism - capture of the hospital in Kizlyar, today easily sits at the State Duma, elected from the party in power, he even used to hold an important post there for some time. While the culprits of the first Chechen war basically died surrounded with honour. Nobody wants to recollect any longer what really occurred. Serbs hand over real originators of crimes in exchange for integration into EU, while the Russians - send into prison "switchmen" who carried out criminal orders in exchange for "stability" - genocide of the Russian people proceeds under the management of own and not foreign fascists.

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