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Gasoline Rises in Price and Prisons Are Full

Gasoline Rises in Price and Prisons Are Full
Оleg Sultanov 08.07.2008
1. Economic integration? Certainly, hurrah! Though why does gasoline in Russia rich with hydrocarbons rise in price? While our president D.Medvedev was engaged last week in Near-Caspian region (Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan) in the process of creation of the big Russian - Asian economic space, in Russia left by him for the period average wholesale prices for fuel persistently crept upwards. 
For example, A-92 gasoline on the average rose in price on 5% every month of the current year, diesel fuel - on 6,3%, residual oil - on 6,5%. Such primitive-mean arithmetics in many respects complicates to the Kremlin and "national" party “Edinaya Russia” leaning on it carrying out of explanatory work among ordinary inhabitants on very important theme: “Promptly Growing Opportunities of the Russians to Improve Their Living Conditions”. 
The rise in prices on fuel, as it’s known, entails rise in prices for all: from writing paper clips up to ballistic missiles, from potato - up to magnificent prostitutes. Both consumers of paper clips and users of immodest services of expensive prostitutes began to feel such interdependence. Here it becomes clear that the party “Edinaya Russia”, politically connected now with the owner of our White house, fails, gets reputation of the carrier of ideas which do not reflect interests of people. 
Such “political – fuel” stamp can be accompanied by next paralyzation of attempts of members of “Edinaya Russia” to designate itself as progressive force, the party of positive social changes. Dmitry Medvedev as the professional lawyer should understand that the mechanism by means of which his predecessor V.Putin carried out "regulation" of economy of the Russian Federation "helped" the Russian management to make practically all branches of economy of our country completely dependent from the results of export of hydrocarbonic raw material. If tomorrow someone will manage to put a blind on our export mother – pipe, the day after tomorrow the country will start to die out by accelerated tempo. 
Now oil-and-gas earners work in the field as Stakhanovites in 30th years of the last century; there is no place to keep money for export of raw material, while the price of fuel in the country grows all the same. What it will become, this price, at zero export?! Nobody from high officials of our state who became in the beginning of XXI century practically cumulative capitalist thought about it. Whether it is surprising that nowadays ALL Russian raw and financial monopolies show absolute loyalty to the Kremlin which, using the levers of political authority, generously opens every additional opportunity of redistribution of public riches for the benefit of the above mentioned monopolies? 
It will be better if Mister Medvedev instead of "agitating" of the chapters of the near-Caspian states for adjustment of gas cooperation, would ask same president N.Nazarbaev, why all ministries of his country for already five years work as if there is no either gas or oil in Kazakhstan. Money from sale of these kinds of raw material are put into the special national fund, which has only one street door - realization of the industrial - innovative program of development of Kazakhstan. In spite of the fact that no minister has opportunity now to get into granaries of the fund, the economy of this state grows annually on 10%. 
Noursultan Nazarbaev is firmly convinced: “Our positioning will not be defined by oil or gas. I had to say the Russian politicians that there’s no country which became great power due to oil and gas. Otherwise Saudi Arabia or Kuwait would also became … “ 
Aqsaqal of the postSoviet policy on space of the CIS spoke, probably, but he was not heard in Russia; obviously singing of oil pipes from which our getters of raw material remove nipples so that the stream of "oil" was thicker interfered with it. Today. We get accustomed in Russia about tomorrow think as simply as that: let the morn come and the meat with it. I believe such frank "simplicity" is the main brake in the matter of unification of other economic subjects with the Russian Federation … 
2. Cultural integration? Three times hurrah! But who will want to participate together with Russia in the process of interdependence between cultures if in its prisons, probably, 30% of prisoners are imprisoned on forged verdicts? It’s not my tales. It is enough to look through at least a pair of annual “Reports on Activity of Human Rights Commissioner in the Russian Federation” to get convinced that impartiality of our justice leaves much to be desired. If to speak mildly.
In one of his reports commissioner V.Lukin writes: “Each second complain is on infringement of human rights made by officials during protection of public peace, preliminary investigation, inquiry and legal proceedings, criminal sentencing … Inside of this very category there is a steady tendency to the growth of a share of complains on infringement of human rights during criminal legal proceedings … “. 
It’s clear that Mister Lukin receives complains already after all cycle of appeals into official instances stipulated by the law has been done. It saddens most of all testifying that to complain to our rights advocates on infringements of law by them - is useless. Therefore we write to Lukin. Well, then, clearly, to the president. That is to the head of the state trying to participate in cultural integration with planet neighbours. What else could be done by poor fellows, if different sort of high Russian instances obstinately swear black is white and vise versa? 
I’ll result an example. In May of this year presidium of the Astrakhan regional court received a supervisory appeal from citizen of Germany E.Schneider serving a sentence of the Soviet regional court of Astrakhan in one the Mordovian prisons. The German about whose sad destiny “The Moscow Truth” narrated twice asked to cancel unjustified verdict. Not to understand his "primitive" logic can either idiot or a person who has got used to break the right of other people every day. Schneider writes: 
“The main proof of my innocence - common sense. 
1. Is it possible to accuse me of smuggling if there is a customs declaration on “smuggled goods”? 
2. Is it possible to condemn a foreign citizen for non-payment of the customs dues to pay which he, under laws of the Russian Federation, has no right? 
3. Is it possible to impute two mutually exclusive articles of the Criminal Code: smuggling and avoidance of payment of customs dues? 
4. Is it possible to call two, not familiar to each other people (the fact is established by court) “organized group”?”. 
Well, and what of it? His cast-iron German logic was one more time ignored in Astrakhan. The German addressed the chapter of Russia Dmitry Medvedev; I was imprisoned for nothing, help me, I hoped only on you. But our new president also answered nothing to a person who was got into the prison in Russia for 9 years because he did not want to break its laws. 
It’s explainable. Our authorities, probably, do not have time now to go into details of affairs of different convicts as it all goes on the process of cultural integration with different civilized countries. I assume Vladimir Lukin also has no time, he is probably working now at the text of the next report on human rights in Russia – the document over which rights advocates will shed tears and "statesmen" grin, in which address the concrete victim of arbitrariness E.Schneider unsuccessfully addresses. 

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