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Kopin - Future President of Russia - Came to the Post of Abramovich

Kopin - Future President of Russia - Came to the Post of Abramovich

President Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree about prescheduled termination of powers of Roman Abramovich as the governor of Chukot Autonomous Area. Observers debate about the motives of resignation though Abramovich gave the more exhaustive answer: "I shouldn't stay here for centuries". The post of the governor is not so attractive for the owner of private income in 24 billion dollars as to a tribeless person "who will make a dead set", editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov noticed relating to the occasion.

Roman Valentinovich Kopin appointed on Thursday by the decree of the president temporarily acting as governor of Chukotka declared that now it's important not to relax but to continue started by Roman Abramovich.

A young man from a team of the governor of Chukot Autonomous Area Roman Kopin for a year headed Chaun area (he had 79% at elections) but on the next elections proposed his nominee on a post of the chapter of Bilibinsky area and won (73%). In April passed to the post of the assistant to the governor. It is considered that Abramovich was consciously preparing Kopin as "successor", therefore it's most likely that temporarily acting as the governor would become full chapter of the area.

- The post of the governor in modern Russia became completely not public, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov noticed in the given occasion. - Officials who become chapters of the regions in Putin's Russia appear from nowhere and go nowhere. Аbramovich can't be joined to this circuit any more. Objectively everything's ok on Chukotka: on data of Federal State Statistics Service, monetary incomes of the population exceed 21,3 thousand roubles a month, being behind only Tyumen, Yamal-Nenets autonomous regions and Moscow, exceeding average level in Russia almost on 40%. On the size of average salary charged (more than 37 thousand roubles) Chukotka the level (17 thousand roubles) more than twice. On the size of average earnings Chukotka takes honourable third place in Russia, outstripping Moscow and Tyumen and being behind Yamal-Nenets and Nenets autonomous regions. If not to take into account that practically half of the Russian oil sector works on Chukchi well-being, the result is really impressing - it's not strange that the grateful Chukchi will vote for the one kind Chukchi god Roma Аbramovich will specify. It's a secret of absolute "Uzbek" results of the elections of chapters of area which were received by the new chief of Chukotka Roman Kopin remaining thus absolute unknown to general public. Even his photo could be found on Yandex in one copy, from official Chukchi site.

Kopin R.V. was born on March, 5, 1974 in Kostroma. He is married. Has a son. Higher education. In 1996 has graduated from Volgo-Vjatsky Academy of Public Service. Labour activity started in 1994 as the deputy director of the Nizhniy Novgorod regional center of youth initiatives. From 1995 worked as the inspector of a legal department, then as the head of a group of execution of decrees on affairs about customs offense of Kostroma customs. Since 1998 worked in Kostroma regional branch of JSCB "SBS-Аgro" - exactly in crisis 1998 that bank left more than 1 million Russians without savings.

In 1999 unexpectedly, from absolutely gone bankrupt and discredited bank he was appointed the adviser of the governor of Chukot Autonomous Area. In 2001 was elected the chapter of municipal education of Chaun area and in 2003 was elected the chapter of Bilibinsky municipal area. In April, 2008 he was appointed to the post of the assistant to the Governor of Chukot Autonomous Area as the chief of the Department of Industrial and Agricultural policy.

- I would get accustomed to the biography of the governor Kopin, - Anatoly Baranov noticed. - It's a model biography for a high-ranking official of Putin's Russia (which meanwhile fails to become Medvedev's). I would get accustomed to his style and methods of work. The probability that Roman Kopin will become future president of Putin's Russia is high. By the way, the post of the president of Russia also gradually becomes not public, anyway nothing was known to the public about new president elected following Chukot script just a couple of years before....


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