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Putin Prepared Program of Arms for Next 100 Years

Putin Prepared Program of Arms for Next 100 Years

The prime minister of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin considers financing of governmental program of arms for the period of 2011-2020 in volume 20 billion rbl proved. "I feel trembling naming such figure - 20 billion but, despite its considerable size, the figure has been thoroughly calculated. The Minister of Defence and the chief of the Joint Staff protected it and proved necessity of assignment of such volume", - the prime minister told at the meeting dedicated to arms state program for 2011-2020 in Severodvinsk.

The prime minister added that in comparison with the current program financing would grow three times. As he said, new program provides delivery of more than 1300 samples of technique and arms, at that it is necessary to modernize existing capacities or to create new ones for 220 from them.

V.Putin added that 4,7 billion rbl. is planned to spend for complex re-equipment of Navy Fleet, third of these means will be mastered during next five years.


- I also felt trembling when I imagine how in 2020 that elderly but very self-assured person would start reporting for 20 billion spent for 10 years, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov told. - Though, I think, the country won't bear the second decade of Putin's management, it will die out. I will remind that all first 10 years Putin spoke about increase in financing of armed forces. It really increased but against more and more getting fat generals who became oligarchs in epaulets, while we saw no growth of number and quality of arms. More likely on the contrary the nuclear potential during Putin's ruling got reduced twice; the nuclear triad practically broke up. The quantity of tanks got reduced approximately 10 times; availability of 1-2 battle planes per regiment in military aircraft is a norm. A number of new planes can be counted using fingers on one hand. New ships - one piece, nuclear submarines without arms - one piece. The army - once the biggest in the world - today hardly enters into ten and continues to thaw. Conversations about professional army remained conversations. Intake in the military colleges which number has been sharply reduced is stopped for next 2 years in general. Speaking about new types of arms the prime minister even didn't get confused having recollected "Bulava", sunk satellites GLONASS sunk recently, letting alone wonderful fighters of the fifth generation which should join the ranks the current year but for some reason everybody keeps silent - there are still no engines. It is possible, of course, to buy 3-4 "Mistrals" with import equipment, to start purchasing other samples of import arms - then, perhaps, these 20 billion won't be enough for 10 years - after all such transactions, as usual, acquire enormous kick-backs. So, "Skolkovo" has no way - here they play for high stakes...


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