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Luzhkov Again Wages War for Crimea While Muscovites Have Nothing to Eat

Luzhkov Again Wages War for Crimea While Muscovites Have Nothing to Eat

Mayor of Moscow Jury Luzhkov acting at a session of the student's government of doublers to the government of Moscow again declared expediency to terminate the contract of the year 1998 about friendship and cooperation between Russia and Ukraine.

Capital mayor declared today: "We won't let that pace of developments which now takes place in Ukraine, it doesn't correspond to the contract of the year 1998 about friendship, cooperation and partnership". The statement was made during discussion with the government of students - doublers of the complex target program of a state policy concerning compatriots abroad.

- If this Luzhkov's "won't let" is not a direct intervention in internal affairs of the sovereign state, then what is intervention? - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov asked a rhetorical question. - It's clear that the problem of relations of Ukraine with Russia does not correspond in any way with official duties of mayor of Moscow. Clearly, that the president who has direct control over appointments of the governors, if wanted would check mayor up to a change of place of work. But he does not do it. It means that Luzhkov's statements is not his personal marasm but are a part of a state policy? Or it is necessary to recognize that the president has not yet enough forces to check mayor and mayor's applications is some other policy not subjected to the president of Russia. It is interesting, what policy is it?

"I am convinced that our country should make decision on termination of this contract and not on its prolongation", - city governor emphasizes. According to Luzhkov, the treaty of friendship, cooperation and partnership failed because of the policy of the Ukrainian authorities which were engaged in "replacement of the Russian factor" in the country.

On June, 4th the State Duma made decision in which was spoken about an opportunity of denouncement of the Treaty of friendship, cooperation and partnership with Ukraine in case of its entering NATO and it was accepted already not by Luzhkov.

On May, 11th acting in Sevastopol at a concert on the occasion of 225-th anniversary of formation of the Blaack Sea Fleet of the RF, Luzhkov declared that Sevastopol was not a part of the territories which Nikita Khruschev transferred in 1954 to the Ukrainian SSR, therefore question on of that city remained open. In this connection the Moscow mayor and one of the leaders of party "Edinaya Russia" considers that "this question remains unresolved". "And we shall solve it for the benefit of that truth, those state positions and the right which Russia has in relation to its naval base - to Sevastopol", - Luzhkov said.

- Meanwhile, while mayor wages war for Sevastopol, foodstuffs in the capital still rise in price, - Anatoly Baranov noted. - For the last month the rise in prices made 6,1%. At that if, according to research center "Romir", from April, 2007 till April, 2008 the population of large Russian cities began to spend on the average 25% more on purchase of basic goods, inhabitants of the capital - 40%. It looks as if such work of "the best mayor" doesn't make any difference to the Kremlin administration - a problem of the status of Sevastopol is more important. In the meantime there are conversations on necessity of introduction of food-cards.

Let's remind that the first who started talking about it were deputies from "Edinaya Russia" - Igor Igoshin and Andrey Isaev traditionally close to the Moscow imperious group. According to chairman of the State Duma Committee on Labour Andrey Isaev, cards for poor can appear in Moscow already in 2009. The corresponding bill can be brought into the lower chamber of parliament in October.

In the capital, despite of a season, significant rise in prices on vegetables is marked. As city department of food resources informs, the price for potato makes now 13,7 roubles for 1 kg (on June, 1st - 12,5 roubles), for cabbage - 30 roubles (on June, 1st - 25 roubles), for bulb onion - 16,6 roubles (on June, 1st - 15,4 roubles), for carrots - 25 roubles (on June, 1st - 20 roubles), prices for other kinds of vegetable production also increased.

Application of city authorities about reduction of a number of the grocery markets sounds disturbing on this background. We shall remind that for last 9 years the number of the markets in Moscow decreased almost thrice. This year it is planned to close 18 more. Besides this year, by calculations of officials, the quantity of objects of retail goods trade will be reduced also on 30.8%. By the end of the year there will be only 6,5 thousand objects of non-stationary trade in the capital. As they noted earlier in Department for Retail Markets of Moscow, the policy carried out by city authorities is aimed on creation of large shopping centers and multipurpose complexes.

According to the Government decree, in two - three years a share of network shops in Moscow will be increased from 25 up to 50-60%. At the same time, single shops which don't have uniform purchasing center should leave the market.

- So, actually monopolization of the consumer market is carried out in Moscow, at that from the consent of authorities, - Anatoly Baranov noted. - Muscovites already feel consequences of this process on their budgets. They close eyes to this "focus" in the Kremlin. Why? Probably, Luzhkov's activity on deterioration of relations between Russia and Ukraine is well worth. Probably, it's even one process - in fact Ukraine is perspective supplier of cheap and qualitative foodstuffs, while Moscow (to be more exact the Moscow mafia) needs expensive and not so qualitative one. If to recollect that the basic part of network shopping centers such as "Pyaterochka" and "Copejka" is being supervised by "Petersburg", then interest is being seen very evidently.

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