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Cars Are Getting Burned in Moscow, but All the Same It's not Paris

Cars Are Getting Burned in Moscow, but All the Same It's not Paris

Thirteen cars were burned all in all on June, 18th, 2008 in Moscow. "RIA News" was informed about it by the representative of central administrative board of the RF Emergency Situations of the city. The source in capital law enforcement bodies informed that presumably incendiary crime of motor transport took place in some cases.


"On the eve fire fighters went to suppress motor transport burning 13 times. Circumstances of incidents which took place are being substantiated", - the representative of the RF Emergency Situations said.


"At the present moment another three suspected in possible participation in arsons are arrested. They are being checked with respect to fulfilment of these crimes", - the interlocutor said.


According to the RF Emergency Situations, all in all from May, 30th till June, 11th more than 30 motor vehicles were burned or suffered from fires. In some cases it is established that arsons were the reason of ignitions.


Special staff was created at the Municipal Department of Internal Affairs of the capital for detention of instigators. All information coming in this connection is carefully checked. Earlier official representatives of the Moscow militia informed that several suspects were arrested on the facts of car arsons.


- Probably, they arrested not those who were responsible as arsons proceeded, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov commented on a situation. - Or it is necessary to recognize that arsons of car began to have mass character and there are a lot of instigators. I shall not repeat those experts who persistently compare these arsons to the Parisian and Bruxelles events in the past year. There was precisely revealed social group which not only set fire but also seriously cast a blight on life of policemen and inhabitants in the Parisian suburbs. There is nothing of the kind in Moscow. It doesn't mean that there are no social groups openly expressing discontent, but they are connected in no way with arsons. We shall admit that cheap "national" cars are being burned, while Porsche-Cayenne become already mass in Moscow didn't suffer at all. So, they burn what lie in temptation's way. Hardly these arsons are capable to cause sympathy of someone - cars of such class are being insured only by OSAGO and owners suffer real damage. Well, its possible, certainly, that insurance companies induce thus to insure against arson... So, Moscow is still far not Paris if someone has not noticed it.


Astrologist Lina Savanskaja reminds that it's a full moon now and unhealthy activity of people especially subjected to geomagnetic influences is raised. "Besides yesterday we won against Swedes, it, certainly, promoted general excitation. All night long detonators were burned under my windows, some joyful people were running here and there shouting. They could possible burn cars," - the astrologist said.

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