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Ukraine Can Confiscate the Russian Military Ships in Case Russia Won’t Withdraw Them in Time from Sevastopol

Ukraine Can Confiscate the Russian Military Ships in Case Russia Won’t Withdraw Them in Time from Sevastopol

According to agency Interfax - Ukraine, in the course of yesterday's talks between Dmitry Mevedev and Victor Jushchenko in Saint Petersburg the president of Russia informed that the price for gas for Ukraine would be essentially increased since January, 1, 2009 that's connected to desire of the Central Asian countries to sell gas on market prices. It was declared by the chapter of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov.

"In connection with the fact that the countries of the central Asian region pass to the European prices for sale of gas and gas from these countries passes on the territory of Russia and the significant part of balance of Ukraine on gas is delivered from the countries of the Central Asia the price for gas for Ukraine since January, 1 "would be essential increased because of objective conditions", - Lavrov said.

President Jushchenko, according to the chapter of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, answered as follows: "The quicker we pass on market prices, the better it's for improvement of a national economy, we share such position". Meanwhile, Medvdev's decision was called in the company "Naftagas of Ukraine" "political".

Let's remind that transfer to the European prices is - a question which has been already solved earlier. The chief of the department on marketing, processing of gas and liquid hydrocarbons of JSC "Gazprom" Alexander Mikheyev spoke about it. Though, as he said, the price for gas for Ukraine would come nearer to the European one only to 2011-2012. "We think that in 2011-2012 the price for gas for Ukraine will come nearer to the European one, - Mikheyev declared. - We confirm that transition period is possible but in result everything should end with the European prices".

However, as it's known, on March, 11 the meeting of the chairman of the board of "Gazprom", the president of Oil Company "КаzМunajGaz", the chairman of the board of the National Holding Company "Uzbekneftegaz" and the chairman of the State Company "Turkmengaz" took place.

In the course of the meeting the heads of gas companies of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan declared that "proceeding from interests of national economies, taking into account international obligations on maintenance of reliable and uninterrupted deliveries of energy carriers the sale of natural gas will be carried out under the European prices since 2009".

The head of the Ukrainian editorial board of FORUM.msk Vladimir Filin shares evaluation of a political character of double increase of price for gas, but considers that "the earlier Russia and Ukraine will pass in payments for gas and for transit of gas on the European prices, the less will be occasions for gambling on gas theme and charges against Ukraine".

"For last years Ukraine has already gone through some increases of price for gas, the price has been raised more than three-fold. Nevertheless, rates of economic growth in Ukraine, practically deprived of own hydrocarbons, last years remain almost the same as in Russia living exclusively due to export of oil and gas", - Vladimir Filin said.

Dmitry Medvedev also showed to Victor Jushchenko discontent of Moscow with intention of Kiev to enter NATO and the requirement to withdraw the Black Sea fleet of the Russian Federation from Sevastopol by the moment of the termination of the term of rent in May, 2017. The president of Ukraine however answered that the Black Sea fleet can remain in Sevastopol only till 2017, UNIAN informs.

In the meantime the first commander of Navy fleet of Ukraine vice-admiral Boris Kozhin declared that Ukraine possibly could confiscate the Russian military ships on the lawful bases as soon as Russia wouldn't withdraw them in due time Sevastopol.

Kozhin noted that the Ukrainian - Russian contract of 1997 "only postponed till 2017 the norm of the Constitution of Ukraine that stay of foreign armies in the Ukrainian territory". "Upon termination of this term the Russian ships will be in Crimea in infringement of the Constitution of Ukraine and it will create bases to apply the law with all severity", - he noted.

Kozhin informed that according to Agreement of 1997, Russia should withdraw military units from Sevastopol till May, 2017. Ukraine officially declared that it would not continue the contract. "On conclusions of experts, minimum 10 years are necessary for total withdrawal of the fleet, - the first commander of Navy fleet of Ukraine noticed. Is means that Russia already now should start intensive process of withdrawal of ships from Sevastopol".

Next crisis happened in the Supreme Duma an such background. Chairman of Supreme Rada Arseny Jatsenjuk at plenary session of parliament read applications of People's Deputies of Ukraine Igor Rybakov (fraction BJT) and Jury But (fraction Our Ukraine - National Self-Defence) about escape from ruling coalition.

According to the Ukrainian legislation coalition in the Supreme Rada stops its existence, if the quantity of the deputies who are included in its structure becomes less than a half of the structure of parliament. Before escape of two deputies from coalition it totaled 227 deputies (there are totally 450 deputies in the Supreme Rada). Now coalition needs to get at least one deputy to enter its structure.

Otherwise in a month Party of Regions will have full right to organize new coalition and to displace Julia Timoshenko's government. We shall remind that there are rumours about negotiations between the Party of Regions and Secretariat of the President about formation of so-called wide coalition and organizing of resignation of Julia Timoshenko's government.

However, under some information, the Secretariat of the President recently changed its mind concerning opportunity of creation "wide coalition" with Party of Regions. Two high-ranking sources of Newsru.com from Victor Jushchenko's environment told about it.

The main sense of the change - they in the Secretariat of the President don't believe any longer in opportunity of creation of "wide coalition" but they are rather inspired with defeat of BJT at elections in Kiev Council and plan, as the chapter of the Secretariat Victor Baloga said, to organize "Stalingrad" for Julia Timoshenko already in scales of the whole country - at preschedule parliamentary elections in autumn. It's all over bar in shouting - to persuade the president to agree to organize these elections.

With escape of two deputies there are more bases for dissolution of parliament. Besides within a month its work can be blocked. Or it is possible to send the government in resignation and it won't be possible to create new one within two months". We shall note, however, that on May, 30 Victor Jushchenko opening session of Natioanl Security Council of Ukraine declared that there would be no preschedule parliamentary elections.

Vladimir Filin is not sure in it. In his opinion, "elections in autumn are very much probable". The deputy director of the Razumkov's Center Valery Chaly adheres to the same opinion. He considers that disintegration of coalition today is favourable to all political forces.

As UNIAN transfers, "Such impression that today it is favourable to all political forces - both to coalition and opposition - it's not only favourable to citizens of Ukraine", - he said.

In Chaly's opinion, the basic problem of politicians consists in inability to supervise the country. "It's a very big problem because the base and the rules of the game don't change no matter whether there will be new election and if there will be change of configuration", - he noted. "Apparently, our politicians learned to be selected but didn't learn responsibility", - the expert added.

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