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Jury Justified All the Accused in the Case on Attempt on Chubajs

Jury Justified All the Accused in the Case on Attempt on Chubajs

On Thursday jurymen declared all suspected in affair with assassination attempt on Anatoly Chubajs. The board of jurymen decided that investigation failed to prove participation of three defendants - former military men of the 45-th unit of Airborne Forces Troupes Alexander Najdenov and Robert Jashin as well as former employee of the Joint Staff colonel Vladimir Kvachkov - in the crimes imputed to them. All three were accused under five articles of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation, including - attempt on the life of the statesman and murder accomplished in socially dangerous way. They were released from under guards in a hall of the court. Lawyers of the accused remained completely satisfied with a verdict.

"We struggled, we trusted, we were rescued by jurymen. It is the only trial which just in Russia. They made a civic courage", - justified Vladimir Kvachkov said. As he said, it was difficult for protection to participate in process as its witnesses were not allowed to be present at session and the defendants were from time to time taken away from the hall of court.

In his turn Anatoly Chubajs considers a justificatory verdict a miscarriage of justice. "I am familiar with materials of affair and the fault of Kvachkov, Yashin and Naidyonov does not cause any doubts. However jurymen returned the verdict which they returned. I think, it's - a mistake. Though such a mistake - justification of the guilty, is better, than punishment of the innocent. I am sure that Кvachkov and those who supports him hate me and wish me to be dead. I know that alongside with other politicians, state and public figures, rights advocates and journalists I am included in so-called firing lists of "public enemy" placed also in the Internet. While the society will silently look at displays of extremism, violence, racial hatred, jurymen will continue to return justificatory verdicts and such people as Кvachkov will turn out into almost national heroes", - is said in Anatoly Chubajs's application published on official site of RAO Unified Energy System of Russia.

Let's remind that attempt on Anatoly Chubajs was made on March, 17, 2005 on the way out from a village Zhavoronky of Odintsovo area, Moscow region. Along the way of procession of the chapter of energy holding an explosive snapped into action and then the cars were attacked by fire. Chubajs didn't suffer. Armor-clad "BMW" with the chapter of "Unified Energy System of Russia", having received insignificant damages, at once left the place of incident. While the car accompanied it with bodyguards stopped, automatic fire was open at it from the forest. Then the assaults disappeared.

Criminals used two cars - "Honda Accord" and green "Saab". Employee of the Highway Patrol passing nearby to a place of accident remembered identification number of the last car. Operatives managed to find out that "Saab" was used by former colonel of GRU Vladimir Kvachkov. He was at once arrested on suspicion in attack on Chubajs. Later two retired officers of special troops Robert Yashin and Alexander Naidyonov were caught. The son of Kvachkov - Alexander - was put on the  wanted list.

In the beginning investigation decided that the officer decided to commit a crime because Chubajs's procession "cut off" Kvachkov's car on highway and electricity was switched off in a summer residence of the retired colonel. But the new version then was put forward. As a state prosecutor declared, those people decided to commit a crime "on the base of extremist sights and hostility".

The trial Moskow regional court began in March, 2006, passed in the closed mode and was accompanied by numerous scandals. From that time juries were changed two times. In December, 2006 representatives were dismissed - the public prosecutor suspected that they communicated with Kvachkov's relatives and participants of picket in his protection. In December, 2007 the court dismissed the second jury as it was found out that one of representatives is registered in narcological clinic. Present, the third jury was formed on February, 6, 2008. In last performance in court in May of the current year Кvachkov declared that he didn't take part in crime and the attempt, in his opinion, either was dramatized by mister Chubajs himself for achievement of own purposes, or was an action of intimidation from the part of the opponents of the chapter of RAO Unified Energy System of Russia. But the public prosecutor demanded to recognize all three accused guilty.

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