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A Search Took Place in the Office of “The Russian News Service” on Air While Four Zeks Simply Died

A Search Took Place in the Office of “The Russian News Service” on Air While Four Zeks Simply Died

In the office of "The Russian Media - Group" in Moscow situated in the 3rd Horoshevskaya Street a search started few hours ago. The air of "The Russian News Service" was switched - off. Details of the event are being specified. It's unknown who carries out the search and what are the bases for it.

"The Russian Media - Group" is - a company making software product for electronic mass-media and regional radio companies. Structure of RMG consists of the stations "Russian Radio", "Russian News Service / RNS", "Radio of Monte Carlo", "DFM" (earlier Dynamite FM) and "Maximum", information edition "Russian News Service", sound recording company "Gramophone - Records" and advertising agency "Gramophone", Newspaper. Ru informs.

Management of media group say that the break in broadcast is caused by technical problems which have arisen during investigatory actions. It is informed that the search is connected to the claims of Directorate for Combating Organized Crimes to economic activities of "The Russian Media - Group" and problems with payment of taxes, informs Radio "Freedom".

Under the version of Life.ru, searches are connected to a criminal case initiated in relation to one of the employees of the company, namely - the general director of the company "Gramophone - Advertisement" Michael Kuleshov. Portal asserts that recently he was engaged in a regional network of "Russian Radio", which had periodically in some regions of Russia problems with broadcast. Michael Kuleshov is included into board of directors of "The Russian Media - Ggroup" and heads the agency "Gramophone - Advertisement".

- All this convinces me of correctness of the decision to transfer edition of FORUM.msk to Ukraine having left in Russia only correspondent centre, - makes comments on a scandal editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov. - Authority in Russia ceased to be ashamed of public opinion and it's a very dangerous symptom. The next stage of degradation of civil institutes will be already "a crime intention" or "mental crime". I don't care at all, whether inspectors had or hadn't bases to carry out the search on radio station. It's possible they had but if employees of the "bodies" ceased to understand that "to bulldoze" mass-media as freely and unpunishedly as some shop selling condoms is not possible, it means that public opinion is not taken seriously into account in this country. It means that totalitarian society is being formed here, it means it is possible here to forge imprudently the results of elections - all is possible. It is possible to put the whole country and each citizen separately into a certain pose thus saying that it's - for their benefit. It's useless to explain to people who don't understand it, why it is impossible to carry out the search in the air. If responsible persons do not understand that the damage put by them to reputation of the Russian Federation million times exceeds all value of proofs which they can get against non-payment of taxes by agency "Gramophone - Advertisement", there is nothing else to say. If their heads does not understand it, it is worse. If the top management, which will receive tomorrow the press-review, likely, with this news, also doesn't understand it - the country needs then not therapy but amputation of such "bodies".

"The search on the air on coincidence which is seldom casual was imposed on one more event which shook public opinion, - Anatoly Baranov reminded. - Four prisoners were beaten to death in a prison in Kopeisk. Such things happen but here you are the way tragical incident has been interpreted by state official information agency:

According to Office of Public Prosecutor, in the morning on May, 31 four condemned from penal colony attacked during the walk employees of administration armed with blades and sharp metal plates therefore five employees received breakups, brain concussion and cut wounds. Rubber truncheons were used against infringers. They were placed in different cells. Prisoners were examined by physicians but by the evening their condition worsened and all four died, RIA "News" informs.

- Please, answer my question - if all of us, the whole country, all 145 million citizens remind feeble-minded idiots who can be told that four young prisoners after survey by the doctor felt badly and simply died, - Anatoly Baranov is interested. - It is like in a joke about the mother-in-law who had ate mushrooms and died, as to the bruises - she got them because she did not want to eat mushrooms. But in fact it's not a joke, it's a story how alive people in the age from 20 up to 35 years were beaten to death. Whether official news agency together with Office of Public Prosecutor informing it think that such explanation is satisfactory? Well, then I do not understand claims to nazis - well, they put the Jews to Auschwitz, created all conditions for residing, while the Jewa died, certainly, after survey of physicians... "

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