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Does South Korea Prepare to Enter "Nuclear Club"?

Does South Korea Prepare to Enter "Nuclear Club"?

South Korea can build 9 and more new nuclear reactors to the year 2003. That is the plan of the South-Korean government officially focused on reduction of share of hydrocarbons in structure of energy sources in the country. It is expected that this long-term program will be finally authorized at session of the cabinet on June, 26, 2008 which will be headed by the president of South Korea Li Men Bak, Reuters transfers referring to the South-Korean mass-media.

The government hopes that the program will allow to raise a share of atomic energy in power balance of the country from the current value in 37% up to 55%. However, there are very serious bases to doubt that the South-Korean nuclear program is called to solve the problem only of dependence of the country on external deliveries of energy carriers.

In January - February, 2000 nuclear scientists secretly enriched uranium in South Korea. According to the high-ranking official from South Korea, several scientists once made experiment in Institute of Nuclear Sciences with enrichment of uranium without notice the government and received enriched uranium in quantity of 0,2 gr. The information on it was submitted to the IAEA as the first declaration from Seoul on conditions of additional report to the Treaty on Non-Proliferation which in February, 2004 was voluntary accepted by South Korea.

"The scales of that nuclear test appeared to be much more modest, than the nuclear program of Northern Korea. However, density of U-235 (235-th isotope) reached 80%, the density suitable for use in the military purposes, - the scientific employee of Institute of Researches of Diplomacy in Georgetown University Esinory Takeda writes. - That challenge from the part of Seoul shook the value of the Joint declaration on announcement of the Korean peninsula as a denuclearized zone signed in 1991 which forbade all kinds of restoration and enrichment of nuclear materials. In spite of the fact that Northern Korea breaks this interKorean agreement carrying out these nuclear researches, the whole world has been excited with the tests spent in South Korea which could create also intense situation on the Korean peninsula".

Further Mr. Takeda marks that Japan appears in a difficult position. As a result of nuclear experiment in South Korea it turned out that five participants of six-sided negotiations in Northeast Asia either already have nuclear weapon, or the nuclear program with doubtful purposes. 

- We have already repeatedly wrote that the system of non-distribution of the nuclear weapon is too openly enter the conflict with interests of safety of some powers capable to make own nuclear weapon and means of its delivery, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov noted. - Today we personally notice that the advanced countries of Southeast Asia inevitably come to creation of own nuclear forces of restraint, despite the fact whether we like it or not. Pranks with enriched uranium are still half-troubles - enough quantity of powerful reactors creates an opportunity for South Korea to make weapon plutonium, the fact that this country is capable to make it technically and even without the help of the USA - is obvious. At that the motive of nuclear preparations of Democratic People's Republic of Korea for the countries of South-East Asia is formal enough, though convincing for the world community. However the main thing is, no matter how strange it is, the policy of the USA directed on restriction of the sovereignty of all countries being under their military influence. Moreover, expansion of a club of nuclear powers, except for China, occurred at support of the USA which chose those allies who could "entrust" own nuclear forces. So, Pakistan not supervising even own territory and in no way suiting the standards of the western democracy became a nuclear power. There are strong reasons to consider that the republic of South Africa and Israel, also lacking stability got access to the nuclear weapon from the same source. The nuclear program of Pakistan became the starting mechanism for nuclear arms of India, while policy of the USA and their allies in relation to Iraq pushed Iran to the solution of "a nuclear question" for itself. Preparations of People's Republic of China for annexation of Taiwan quite explain interest of this state to a nuclear theme. Such countries as Japan, Ukraine, Belarus - possessing own nuclear industry allowing them in the shortest terms to do everything that they consider necessary for them in nuclear area look really awkwardly in this situation, they have voluntary refused nuclear arms and continue to adhere to obligations taken on when their neighbours spit on such obligations openly.

Northern Korea is capable to develop annually about 10 kgs of plutonium, they consider in IAEA. Such quantity of plutonium is enough for manufacture of one - two nuclear charges, accordingly, annually. That is in 10 years Democratic People's Republic of Korea will become the owner of at least 15-20 fighting nuclear charges. IAEA considers that Democratic People's Republic of Korea received plutonium from the fulfilled nuclear cores already in 2003 and 2004. Under data of IAEA, two lines on manufacture of plutonium are working on full capacity there.

As it's known, Democratic People's Republic of Korea officially declared itself a nuclear power and informed about refusal of continuation of six-sided negotiations under the nuclear program, that's it untied hands to other participants of the agreement.

"I do not doubt at all that the club of nuclear powers will essentially extend in the nearest 10 years or earlier, owing to the latent threat proceeding first of all from the USA, - Anatoly Baranov believes. It will weaken positions of the USA as the world leader a little. At that Russia will finally turn into "one of" the countries of the third world possessing nuclear potential - and that's all. For today the nuclear potential of Russia is its main competitive advantage on a world scene. When such potential will not be unique - the future of Russia will become absolutely dead-end".

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