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If Russian Is Destined to Collapse, It Will Happen by Virtue of Internal Processes Occurring in It

If Russian Is Destined to Collapse, It Will Happen by Virtue of Internal Processes Occurring in It

Almanac "North Star" published one rather funny book of Fyodor Krasheninnikov under characteristic title "After Russia". In the introduction to the book edition of the almanac wrote:

"Rather provocative and in many respects strange for the present Russian situation literary text was put at our disposal. The author from Ekaterinburg - the graduate of philosophical faculty of UrGu, the political scientist and the adviser on PR - Fyodor Krasheninnikov immerses the reader in a dreadful reality of post-Russia.

The text of the writing passed from hand to hand, causing different reaction, there were negotiations with a number of Moscow publishing houses which under different pretexts refused to edit it. It is possible to argue on literary advantages of the book, to subject fantastic ideas of the author about these or that geopolitical shifts to ostracism, etc

But the fact that on the background of total mantras of the Russian officials about stability, unity and forthcoming prosperity the whole book appeared, all - about disintegration of Russia, which already, in our opinion, forces to consider a problem attentively. "North star" publishes "After Russia" as we think that the contours of the world drawn in the book without Russia are not a delirium of the Ural lunatic but quite serious socio-cultural pestilence which deserves, at least, discussions".

Site "Rupor.info" gets involved into discussion, in its review is said:

"Described events take place approximately in 20 years after termination Vladimir Putin's board. A plot about civil war between semi-feudal Moscow elites headed by some general Pirogov and confederation of former subjects of the Russian Federation, nowadays sovereign states - the Ural republic, Confederation of Finno-Ugric peoples and the Euroasian Commonwealth (Tatarstan, Bashkiria and Kazakhstan) is put in the basis of the book. The most active help to them is rendered by China, Japan and the USA. Ukraine acts on the western front against them.

The book ends with colourful description of "a campaign against Moscow" of confederations of armed forces rich with natural resources which are against restorations of "Great Russia" in any kind".

North Caucasian insurgents were hard to escape.

"Moscow surprisingly quickly become deserted, - is said in the review. - Winners unequivocally let to know that nobody's going to restore city communications and buildings.

Under new agreements Moscow became distant northern surburb of Ukraine. The Ukrainian authorities declared at once that there's no need in existence of a megacity in this part of Eurasia.... Kiev government spare no efforts to do everything that hated city finally disappeared in boundless Ukrainian hole. In some years population of Moscow was reduced up to two millions people lived in the central part of the city and, on small islands in more or - less suitable for a life areas of former megacity", - these are the last words sensational story ends.

"We shall note, - "Rupor.info" writes, - that Krasheninnikov is the graduate of philosophical faculty of UrGu, the political scientist and the adviser on PR.

The text of his writing passed from hand to hand, causing different reaction, were negotiated with a number(line) of the Moscow publishing houses which under different pretexts refused to edit it. We shall remind that Soviet dissident Andrey Amalrik in due time wrote a futurological essay "Whether Soviet Union Will Exist till 1984?" The book was published in samizdat at the end of 1960th years".

The head of the Ukrainian editorial board of FORUM.msk Vladimir Filin believes that Fyodor Krasheninnikov's book "is prophetic in many respects". At the same time "Ukraine even in the most fantastic scripts will hardly begin to apply for territories to the north from its borders, in particular to Moscow".

"If Russia is destined to collapse, it will happen as well as in case of the USSR by virtue of internal processes occurring in it, though, certainly, external forces will not also stay apart and will try to give the process of disintegration controlled character. In 1991 they were successful in it but whether it would be possible once again is not known", - the head of the Ukrainian editorial board of FORUM.msk considers.

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