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Vladimir Putin, Our Daily Bread

Vladimir Putin, Our Daily Bread

On results of a meeting on a question of increase of efficiency of the state agrarian policy which took place on May, 19, 2008 in Essentuki Vladimir Putin gave a number of assignments directed on realization of the State Program of Development of Agriculture for 2008-2012 and the Federal Target Program "Social Development of Village till 2012".

In particular, as it was informed on May, 26 in the press-service of the Government of Russia, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Economic Development and Ministry of Finance were entrusted to develop and realize a complex of measures directed on maintenance of steady development of rural territories and improvement of quality of life in village.

The list of assignments includes increase of production efficiency of agricultural products, increase of a level of technical and technological equipment of agrarian producers, other measures. Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Federal Tariff Service, Federal Antimonopoly Service with a view of formation of a system of operative reaction to changes of prices for the main types of agricultural products and foodstuffs were entrusted to organize monitoring of prices for the basic types of agricultural products and foodstuffs on a constant basis and also to take steps on perfection of working mechanisms of reaction to fluctuations of prices.

Besides Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Agriculture were entrusted to develop a complex of measures on formation of effective commercial policy, allowing to lower costs all over the chain - from manufacture and processing of agricultural production to final realization of foodstuffs to the consumer. Meanwhile grocery inflation, according to experts, exceeds this year 25%. The same was percentage the prices for food stuffs increased the last year.

- It is necessary to understand that Putin's government is not capable to overcome real difficulties, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov considers. - "Government for a Month" is especially representation structure which is not adapted to work in crisis conditions. While the problem with foodstuffs the government faced is even not a local crisis but universal one. Besides it's aggravated by our national costs which, clearly, are already especially putin's "achievement". Here neither Shojgu, nor Chubays, nor God will help - unless he will decide from a special affection to "anointed sovereign" to feed all with five breads. Putin - is not Moisej, nor tsar David and miracles are not under control of Pilat's department. What could be done here at all? It won't be possible to increase urgently own agriculture ruined on a root. Such things are not done at the moment, no matter how much money to spare. It would be possible to make strategic purchases of foodstuffs, say, in the countries of CIS under the low prices and to create a strategic stock, from which it's possible to allocate products to the poorest layers. But authority, having given a hint on cards, shut up at once frightened by PR-consequences. Though in the USA there are food stamps for poor and in general cards are not invention of bolsheviks. There is also a hi-tech decision - optimization of expenditure of food stuffs due to new methods of computer calculation of the ration, say, for military men, children in child care centers and also for all who wish to eat rationally. Such works were carried out long time ago, algorithms and programs were created in Russia. It's possible to realize rather quickly, during few months. Here you are a problem - it won't be possible to steel anything on it. Therefore to propose it to "Government for a Month" is the same as offer the grape to a goat. They even did not have enough patience to finish "country amnesty", while in fact vegetables which were brought up by people on country and personal sites reduce needs for retail network and by that positively influence prices. It's impossible to understand that it's necessary to give privileges to people independently raising agricultural products for personal consumption. To stop deducing of agricultural lands from turnover - is even more unsolvable problem as corruption in "bodies" will only increase, while raiders will continue ruining former collective farms. To organize direct deliveries of agricultural products in cities passing over secondhand dealers is in general unmanageable task though Yeltsin being on a post of the first secretary of Ministry of State Control of CPSU solved it somehow for a month. To forbid to inspectors of GAI to stop trucks with foodstuffs everywhere except for posts of Road Patrol Service on entrance to the city is also not possible, isn't? Well, then these tasks will be solved by national commissioners.
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