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The President Waits for Catastrophe Which Took Place Long Ago

The President Waits for Catastrophe Which Took Place Long Ago

The president Medvedev opened session of the State Council in Syktyvkar with frightening facts: "Condition of housing infrastructure causes serious worry. According to expert evaluations, more than 60% of main stock of municipal economy served its full term". The president is sure that if not to get occupied with this problem today, "there will be catastrophe in 5-7 years".

- It's strange that the president considers that catastrophe of municipal economy is only coming and only in 5-7 years, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov notes. - It has already come to Sergiev Posad - central heating and hot water have been already switched off on half of the territory of the town. Cold water and canalization system will be the next. Reason - multi million debts of local heating supply companies and water and wastewater treatment plant to "Mosenergosbyt" eager to get its money at any cost. City public prosecution intervened in the conflict, it started checks of finance and economic activities of enterprises-debtors and warned management of "Mosenergosbyt" on inadmissibility of switching offs - nevertheless power men blew off the warning of the public prosecution and started switching off.

- The same situation as in Kushchevka, - Anatoly Baranov continued. - Frosts will come, somebody will die - then high-ranking officials will come from Moscow and give everybody hell. If no tragedy will happen - situation will remain about the same - it will continue to rotten. Even if twenty presidents will pronounce loud words and moved eyebrows, all will remain as it is.

The president informed that today more than 4.5 million citizens in Russia live in shabby or wreck apartment houses, at that, according to the head of the state, this figure is underestimated. "Up to 40% of apartment houses need full repair. Again this figure needs final estimation," - the president noticed. At the same time there's still no long-term decision on mechanisms of financing of full repair made. Housing Code accepted in 2004 charged the owner with this problem, not having specified whence to get money.

According to the Minister of Regional Development Victor Basargin, more than 6 billion roubles are necessary for putting of obsolete funds into normal state. "For today the state doesn't have such means", - V.Basargin. Budget expenses for housing economy of the RF subjects in 2009 made 860 billion roubles. "Today there's no sense to place the question about state financing in full volume. Therefore the main task for today which is necessary to solve is attraction of private investments including means of population", - the minister considers.

- As in "Wedding in Malinovka", Anatoly Baranov reminded. -  If they recollect about freedom of person, robbery is coming. Duma has been already considering a bill in which it's proposed to impose to citizens land where their houses are situated - here you are means of private persons. If they will not give investments - we will switch off gas.



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