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Russia Interferes with Afghanistan and Wants to Get Gain for It

Russia Interferes with Afghanistan and Wants to Get Gain for It

The Russian Federation and NATO agreed about eased transit to Afghanistan of armoured cars with strengthened anti-mine protection that is APC, BMP, BRDM, etc. On November, 2nd Russia began gratuitous deliveries of small arms and ammunition to it for the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Afghanistan. Besides now the USA and Russia work over a question of granting to Afghanistan more than 20 Russian military helicopters. In July head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov declared that the Russian side wrote off debts for a total sum of $12 billion to Afghanistan.

- Well, for the time it's "limited contingent" as in 1979, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov reminded. - But joint with NATO operation with participation of the Russian special troops already took place in the territory of Afghanistan. 20 helicopters are in general serious force. So it is possible to talk about high-grade participation of the Russian Federation in the Afghani adventure of NATO. It is necessary to understand that it some kind of compensation which Putin Russia wants to give for its different from representations about democracy actions in the west. At the same time he wants to get something in return.

Putin wrote an article in the Munich newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung where he dreamed of uniform trading space "from Lisbon to Vladivostok", the federal chancellor answered to it: "Certainly, we support idea about uniform trading zone between EU and Russia. However let's soberly look at things, steps which Russia undertakes recently are directed absolutely to other side", - Merkel declared.

- Germany has 4,5 thousand soldiers and officers in Afghan, it is the third after American and British contingent on size, - Anatoly Baranov reminded. - So in exchange for access to WTO they would demand from the Kremlin something more essential. As to cancellation of visa mode which Putin mentioned having written thatit is necessary to begin integration of Russia into Europe with cancellation of visas - his friend Sarkozy already told recently that Russia would receive visa-free mode - in about 10- 15 years, not earlier. When Putin will be 70. Though the variant with visa cancellation is possible - if Russia take care of Afghan entirely... Though it's hardly possible.


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