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The Carrot of Red Revolutionary Colour


What Is the Reason the Rate of Rise in Price for Food Stuff in Russia Hihger, than in Europe?

The rise in prices on food stuffs in April, 2008 continued to get accelerated both in Russia and in the European Community. Federal State Statistics Service came to such a conclusion having generalized the data of domestic and foreign statistics.

In April the rates of gain of prices for food stuffs were higher, than in the countries of EU in Russia and made 9.1% from the beginning of 2008.

The highest gain of prices for food stuffs was observed in Bulgaria (7%), Lithuania, Latvia and Finland (6,7-6,8%) among the countries of the European union for the period from the beginning of 2008.

Less than anywhere foodstuffs rose in price in Spain (0,9%), Luxembourg, Malta and the Czech Republic (1,4-1,5%).

In Russia by the end of April, 2008 in comparison with December, 2007 prices for vegetables and fruit ran high on 32,9% and 17,8% accordingly, bakery products and grains - on 11,8%. Some oil and fats ran high on 10.7%.

Prices for fruit rose in price on 5.1% - most of all among the groups of food articles in the countries of the European Community from the beginning of the current year. Most appreciably prices for them grew in Bulgaria - on 29,7%, on Cyprus - on 25,4%, in Hungary, Slovakia, Lithuania and Poland - on 13,3-18,5%.

Bakery products and grains became more expensive on 3,3% on the average, vegetables - on 3%, dairy products, cheeses and eggs - on 2,7%. The most significant gain of prices for bakery products and grains was marked in Estonia and Lithuania - 8,9% and 8,6% accordingly.

For the period from the beginning of 2008 prices in the consumer markets of Germany and Norway - on 0,4% and 0,8% - grew less than others.

In Russia for the period from the beginning of the current year consumer prices increased on 6,3% (in the countries of the European Community on 1.5% on the average).

As Federal State Statistics Service notes, information is prepared on the basis of publications of Federal State Statistics Service, national statistical services and data placed in the Internet network.

- First of all it is necessary to take into account that dependent market of food stuffs was formed in Russia, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov explained a situation. It means that the lion's share of products is made not in Russia and that nevertheless is made in the country almost entirely depends on foreign processing - the western giants of food-processing industry have got wide enough network in the Russian Federation long time ago. They are interested, certainly, in gaining the profit and not in accessibility of food stuffs to the population. Now, taking into consideration our distances include transport chargers into the cost of products which are more expensive due to backwardness of communications and constant growth of the price for fuel which is not being slowed by the state. We receive quite proved higher growth of prices for food stuffs in our poor, despite of record number of dollar billionaires, country in comparison with rich Europe. That is "keep up with the Joneses" - tiny Luxembourg, not speaking about agrarian Czechia and Spain, has minimal growth of price for products due to a high share of own agrarian production, while Finland located basically in "non-agrarian" latitudes and Lithuania with Latvia destroyed in the past advanced agricultural industry together with the Russian Federation - are champions on a rise in prices.

"Basically analytics, even such competent as, let it be, the academician of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences Vladimir Kashin from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation emphasize in the unflattering estimations on food safety, - Anatoly Baranov considers. It's important but nevertheless it's rather far from the needs of simple population. Today I would speak about "food insufficiency". Notwithstanding the fact that there are still everything on the counters and fresh strawberry appears in hypermarkets at 8 o'clock in the mornings to please Zhvanetsky, prices for food stuffs become, as a matter of fact, prohibitive for a very essential group of population. It's not a famine, porridge and bread can compensate the needs on calories but on qualitative structure of food stuffs for the poorest layers of population and not only the poorest - very big groups of people appear to be deprived of opportunities to eat healthily, that is to support the health at a comprehensible physiological level. It's a very prominent aspect of a problem as the class distinction on access to a healthy and long life is being entered de facto".

The Law about Tasty and Healthy Food

The Moscow City Council established cost of a consumer's basket of a muscovite at a rate of 4591 roubles 86 copecks. 1663 roubles will make expenses for food stuffs, 984 roubles of a total should go on non-grocery goods, 1590 roubles - services. Obligatory payments are taken into account at a rate of 353 roubles 94 copecks.

- There is a question, whether an average muscovite can restore his serviceability eating on 1663 roubles? - Anatoly Baranov asks. - According to calculations of the government of Moscow, power value of the minimal set of food stuffs should provide 2430 kcal to able-bodied man a day, 2130 kcal to a woman and 2200 kcal - to the pensioner. Children up to 5 years should receive daily 1650 kcal and teenagers - 2390 kcal. Frankly speaking, a person will constantly feel strong feeling of famine having such power value of diet. It is also important in fact how this need of energy will be satisfied. A man is in fact not a stove where everything that is put will be burned down. Such products without which receipt a person will be ill or can't lead high-grade life, if not die at once should enter obligatory food ration. So, there is an impression that at a today's price level the poorest layers of population has no chances, while an "average" layers - have chances which also are very disputable.

The law of city of Moscow determines what and how many alive and healthy muscovite should eat minimally:

Food stuffs:
| Name of the Product | Unit of Measure | Consumption Volume |
| | (annually for a person on the average) |
| | |---------------------------------------------|
| |                                     | Able - bodies citizens   | Pensioners | Children       |
| Bakers (bread | kg    |    149,1        | 117,4        | 92,5 |
| and macaroni | | | | |
| in conversion to | | | | |
| flavour, grains, legumes) | | | | |
| Potato               | kg          | 117,3           | 100,0        | 115,5       |
| Vegetables   kg          | 96,8             | 91,9          | 109,1 |    
| Fresh fruits         | kg          | 26,6             | 23,6          | 77,2         |
| Sugar and pastry | kg      | 20,3             | 18,8          | 24,0         |
| (in conversion to | | | | |
| sugar) | | | | |
| Meat          | kg           | 31,9            | 22,7          | 30,9         |
| Fish          | kg          | 14,2             | 12,7          | 11,3         |
| Milk and dairy products | kg | 200,3            | 186,5        | 296,1       |
| (in conversion to milk) | | | | |
| Eggs                       | pieces      | 164,8           | 90,0          | 170,4       |
| Vegetable oil, | kg          | 13,0             | 10,0          | 10,4         |
| margarine and other fats | | | | |
| Other products (salt, | kg     | 4,88             | 4,15          | 3,664        |
| tea, species) | | | | |

"Now let's try to estimate, how much does the luxury which the law offers us cost, - Anatoly Baranov continues. - For example, potato. Now it's impossible to find it at a price lower than 60 roubles for a kilo either in a market, or in a hypermarket. They will say it's spring now but a person in fact needs to eat all year round, whether it's not so? So, one centner of potato a year will cost under the present prices 6 thousand roubles, not less. That is 500 roubles a month from 1663 roubles totally for food. It's only 8 kgs, that is if you eat only potato all over the month, it won't be enough. In fact there are such substances, they are called vitamins, which are not present in potato. Already 150 years ago it was proved that a person dies without vitamins, even if he eats potato and macaroni on a regular basis. So, what do we have with fresh vegetables - as a matter of fact, the only thing left for poor as a source of many vitamins? Also, it appears, almost a centner a year. What do we have, say, with carrot? Let's notice, carrot is the only accessible source of beta-carotene - vitamin absolutely necessary for life - in the minimal grocery set.

The organism of the adult person contains on the average 100-200 mg of beta-carotene, 80% of it is deposited in a fatty tissues, 10% - in a liver, about 1% is being contained in plasma and 9% - in other organs and tissues (adrenal glands, reproductive bodies, brains, lungs, heart, nephros, spleen). Epidemiological and experimental researches convincingly show that reduction in consumption and mastering of beta-carotene, its low level in plasma raise risk of appearance of cancer, cataract, cardiovascular and some degenerate diseases.

- For satisfaction of the need of organism in carotene, it is necessary to eat not less than 100 grammes of carrot a day, if there are no other sources of this vitamin, - Anatoly Baranov explains. - Though, for example, instead of 100 grammes of carrot it is possible to eat a half a kilogram of granular caviar but it's, I think, not about the poorest layers of the population. So, today carrot costs from 45 up to 75 roubles for a kg in "Auchan", in the market - 60 roubles. That is, roughly speaking, to cover absolutely necessary need for vitamin is necessary to spare almost 200 roubles a month for carrot. So, as we have already calculated, only potato with carrot of the first necessity - 700 roubles, that is 1 thousand roubles is left for everything else in the living wage. While there approximately 24 vitamins which are known... Let vegetable oil - a source of tocopherol - costs minimum 60 roubles for litre, it is necessary to eat this litre a month. Cabbage also now costs not less than 60 roubles - it contains besides a plenty of vitamin B unique vitamin U. Though there's plenty of it also in tomatoes but this product today is obviously not for the poor. Besides carrot "has taken" the third of a decreed daily need for vegetables. We shall add the same sum for cabbage - and remains almost nothing... And how should we live? That is how to satisfy simple physiological needs of organism to a poor man? It seems, in no way.


Where Does "putin's" Rise in Price Lead

"During Soviet time, at all lacks of the Soviet system of pricing low prices for the whole set of vegetables were physiologically justified, - Anatoly Baranov considers. - Firm price for potato (10 kop), carrot (12 kop), cabbage (7 kop), beet (12 kop), black radish (17 kop) and a number of other vegetables was kept all year round. Market correctness of such prices was, maybe, disputable. Anyway, work of millions students and technical and engineering employees "on potato" was hardly related to market mechanisms of price control. However the state solved other, absolutely state problem - it provided availability of necessary food stuffs to all categories of citizens, without dependence on their incomes and even their absence. At the minimal salary of 70 roubles in the USSR, that is analogue of 4600 "minimal" modern roubles it was possible to buy more than enough simple food. That's one of the reasons why in the USSR living rather poor average life expectancy was higher, than in the Russian Federation for almost 10 years".

- It can seem to someone that the theme mentioned does not concern him, that it's all about social "loosers" and the salary of the manager or merchandiser easily covers the need for tasty and healthy food, - Anatoly Baranov ends. - Taking into account low average life expectancy, it's not so. This or other way almost all of us have to economize at high prices for food. At that at a rise in prices on absolutely all products - one has to economize even on necessary things. It is possible to think, certainly, that the main cause of death rate in the Russian Federation is high level of road accidents and violent deaths, alcoholic poisonings and drugs, AIDS, tuberculosis and other things. But it's an error - the main "murderers" in Russia are still atherosclerosis and oncology. A level of these very diseases in Russia, as well as in republics of the former USSR, is essentially higher, than, say, in Europe. The main thing is that - our citizens fall ill 10-15 years earlier, than their age mates. It's very simple to understand everything - an organism weakened by wrong, not physiological meal perishes earlier, resists worse to illnesses. That is also interesting - the European governments put such questions in the area of national priorities for a long time. But for ours. Besides, what priorities could economist Golikova put before public health service? We shall notice, now, as against Ministry of Health of the USSR, "Ministry of Public Health" is not engaged in preventive maintenance - only in medical practice. They calculates something, write some papers... While in the country, according to Michael Deljagin, more than a half of population experienced difficulties with purchase of food stuffs already before "putin's" rises in price. Today, likely, all 80 percent. It's a group of risk on early death. I address you, sirs, yes - yes, you!


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