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Luzhkov and Co Prepare Public Conscience to Imperialistic War

Luzhkov and Co Prepare Public Conscience to Imperialistic War
Источник: Source: Ludmila Stoletneva, press-service of Moscow Municipal Duma

On May, 21 deputies of Moscow Municipal Duma accepted the project of resolution about modification of the article 1 of the Federal law "About Days of Military Glory and Memorials of Russia" in the first reading. According to deputy Igor Eleferenko (fraction "Edinaya Russia"), historical events which took place in Russia in the second half of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century didn't find reflection in the federal law. It is necessary to fill in this blank as it is very important in educational purposes: children and youth should know history of the fatherland.

The project of the legislative initiative offered is directed on perpetuating of memory of the Russian soldiers, their heroism and courage shown during the Russian-Japanese, Russian-Turkish, Crimean and World War I.

The bill offers to establish the following memorials: February, 9 - Day of Memory of Defenders of Port Arthur (the Russian-Japanese war of 1904 - 1905); July, 4 - Day of Brusilovsky Breakthrough (day of offensive operation of Southwest front of the Russian army under command of general A.A.Brusilova (1916); August, 21 - Day of the Heroes of Shipka (the Russian--Turkish war of 1877 - 1878); September, 25 - Day of Memory of Defenders of Sevastopol during the Crimean War of 1853-1856.

As the deputy Sergey Nikitin (fraction "Communist Party of the Russian Federation") noticed, acceptance of the bill will allow not to lose touch with our history. According to Andrey Metelsky (fraction "Edinaya Russia"), any memorial is our history which we should not forget.

From editorial board: The unity shown by deputies - communists and deputies from "party in power" is surely touching. Though a question is, certainly, quite obvious and the dates are taken simply from the school history textbook. Why than earlier, during the Soviet authority which, as it's known, treated heroic pages of domestic history very quiveringly those dates though being designated in calendars were not red color days?

The answer is very simple - all these dates are connected to imperialistic wars where, certainly, the Russian soldiers showed heroism peculiar to them, fortitude and courage but the targets and essence of the wars in which those feats were made were not completely indisputable.

What is positive sense of well-known Brusilovsky breakthrough in domestic history? In essence, none. One year later the war ended "with a bayonet in the ground" and fraternization in entrenchments. Revolutions started in Russia and Germany and modes which conducted the most bloody for that period war failed quite disgracefully. Only general Brusilov entered domestic history as the brilliant military teacher training in academy of the Joint Staff future commanders of the Great Patriotic War.

What is the essence and value of defense of far colonial possession of the Russian empire on the territory of China dismembered for that moment by great European powers? Whether the Russian schoolboy today knows where Port Arthur plentifully watered with the Russian blood for the god knows what interests is situated?

Whether we will hear a lot of gratitude today from those peoples who were released by Shipka's heroes? For example, from Bulgarians who lost already to the beginning of the 20th century all feeling of gratitude to Russia, who struggled against us, on the side of Germany during both wars. George Dimitrov's epoch was the period of the Renaissance of the Russian-Bulgarian friendship but new authorities of the country demolished Dimitrov's mausoleum long time ago and buried in oblivion everything that was connected to him. Today Bulgaria, a member of NATO and EU, is not at all allied state for Russia. On volumes of commodity circulation, close economic and cultural communications relations with Bulgaria can't be compared with Turkey. Which, by the way, in the days of Кеmal Atatjurka maintained very warm relations with the USSR and during the World War II kept neutrality.

Well and, at last, heroic defense of Sevastopol. We'd most like if the deeds of the Russian soldiers and sailors during the Crimean war, as well as Great Patriotic War were not in vain. But if by 2017 there will be no fleet in Sevastopol, it is necessary to recognize - they were for nothing. Because Sevastopol without the fleet represents simply sad stones. The next generation will recollect it not more often, than we - Port Arthur.

So may be the Soviet leaders were not fools not specifying the dates as red color holidays in calendars? "Edinaya Russia" doesn't care - they feel like successors of the Russian empire, "prison of peoples" under a trading flag. While how would communists feel themselves - we shall say, in the face of the Chinese or Ukrainian comrades, who are don't feel awe of Romanov's empire?

I am not specking that city deputies of Moscow have more essential problems, than rehandling of history. For example, the Moscow area refused to accept the garbage from the capital. Naples (by the way, the participant of the Crimean war) came across the same situation, the city was filled with dung up to the level of the first floors. Proceeding from lessons of history deputy-like, obviously, whether it is necessary to gather expeditionary corps and to storm Istra and Dolgoprudny to return control over city dumps?

But the governor Gromov - is a fighting general knowing war not only under textbooks. Luzhkov-Sevastopolsky is well known warrior... Supposing that on the next historical coil we forget the name not only of Ivan the Terrible and Balaklava, but also of Podolsk with Mytischi.

Аnatoly Baranov
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