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Dmitry Medvedev Will Change Places of Sechin and Khodorkovsky in the Course of Time

Dmitry Medvedev Will Change Places of Sechin and Khodorkovsky in the Course of Time

Criminal prosecution of a management of "YUKOS" was organized by present vice-premier Igor Sechin, the former head of the company Michael Khodorkovsky declared in interview to the British newspaper Times. "Firstly - from avidity, secondly - because of cowardice", - was specified by the prisoner of Chita Temporally Containment Cell.

"It is difficult to say, how he managed to persuade the chief, - Khodorkovsky said. - It's possible, Putin really thought that I was preparing for some revolution that's simply ridiculous taking into account that at that time I openly financed two opposition parties which in the best would get 15% at elections. Most likely, they simply needed an occasion to plunder "YUKOS" - the most successful oil company in Russia".

In opinion of Khodorkovsky, new president Dmitry Medvedev "during first time will be connected by personal obligations to Putin". "The outcome of my affair depends on the speed reform of judicial system about which Medvedev speaks would be carried out. In independent court only full idiot could accept seriously the proofs on my business, - Khodorkovsky declared. - Unfortunately, reforms are not being carried out in a flash, but some steps of Medvedev's team give an occasion for cautious optimism".

According to Khodorkovsky, he does not count on conditional early relief. "As soon as one term will end I will be given another... Day and night I am under video observation. My cellmates get emotional, as a rule, in half a year but meanwhile I am all right". "To be imprisoned for years, in isolation is uneasy but it can be born. I always read a lot and now I read even more. Erudition and skill to think is a huge pluss in prison", - political prisoner declared.

Making comments on Michael Khodorkovsky's interview, political analyst of FORUM.msk Ruslan Saidov assumed that "it's in Medvedev's interests to release Khodorkovsky as soon as possible as it is capable to improve seriously his image in the West, to gain the character of the liberal". But "release of the ex-chapter of YUKOS will take place not at once but in the process of strengthening of positions of the president in authority".

Ruslan Saidov also didn't exclude that "in due course Khodorkovsky's place in Temporally Containment Cell will be occupied by his main persecutor - Igor Sechin. Thus YUKOS affair can become an occasion but not the reason for a suit of former "grey cardinal" of the Kremlin. The reason is that Sechin as a result of his specific activity insulted not only Khodorkovsky but also Medvedev, which is much more serious".
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