
Julia Timoshenko Will Reallocate Power Structures

Julia Timoshenko Will Reallocate Power Structures

Another sharp political crisis is coming in Ukraine. Prime-minister Julia Timoshenko accused secretary of the president of intervention in the work of parliament and government. "It is not true that agenda of the Supreme Rada is being formed by the majority - it is formed by secretary of the president", - the head of the government noticed.

In particular, ôimoshenko asserts that the law about the Cabinet (which increases powers of the president) is being included in agenda already during four months, while the package of anti-inflationary laws lays in the Supreme Rada but is not being placed for consideration.

"Please, distribute authority but let us accept three anti-inflationary laws. We have made precise decision - I shall not observe any longer how people's peanuts thaw in air. I do not prepare for the following presidential elections and because of this reason we consider that it is necessary to stop empty chatter and get engaged in social and economic affairs", - she said.

ôimoshenko declared that fraction BJT would not unblock the tribune of the Supreme Rada until those anti-inflationary laws (it concerns establishment of import duty, restriction of extra charges on key social products and an opportunity of duty-free import to Ukraine the basic food stuffs) would not be accepted.

ôimoshenko also asserts that the government actually has not been allowed to work during four months. The heads of local authorities are forbidden to carry out orders of the head of the government. Prime-minister declared that on Wednesday at the session of the government the question on dismissal of five governors who, in opinion of the head of the government, blocked carrying out of anti-inflationary actions would be raised.

"For today... there is no alternatives to a democratic coalition but I'll start acting rigidly enough", - she said in the application to journalists in the Supreme Rada.

Leader of BJT raised also a question of modification in the Constitution of Ukraine. She emphasized that the work could take place only in the parliament where there would be all necessary conditions for that purpose.

"Our political team will participate in these processes and we shall necessarily make change and addition which will be then coordinated both with the Supreme Rada and each fraction and we shall try (to coordinate) with the president these actions. Thus it is necessary to stop chaos and anarchy in the country", - Timoshenko said.

Earlier yesterday president Victor Jushchenko speaking about change of the Fundamental Law assumed that the bill developed within the framework of the National Constitutional Council would be optimal variant. Then, according to the president, he should bring it to the Supreme Rada, where special commission on studying of the question would be created.

Jushchenko considers that the Ukrainian public on referendum should say its decisive word.

Let's remind yesterday president Jushchenko should have acted with the annual message to the deputies. However, representatives of fraction BJT blocked the tribune demanding Jushchenko to accept a number of anti-inflationary laws and personnel decisions, in particular, on Fund of state property before making public speech.

Thus in the agenda of parliament consideration in the second reading of new edition of the law on government which considerably limited rights of the prime minister appeared.

In a lobby of the Supreme Rada they start to speak that opposition between prime-minister and the president can be resulted in early elections of the Supreme Rada.

In the meantime the ambassador of the USA in Ukraine William Taylor considers that political situation developed in Kiev testifies approach of the conflict but it will not necessarily lead to a crisis. "The president should make public speech, but failed, however. But the process of democracy proceeds", - he declared to the journalists on May, 13the making comments on events in the Supreme Rada.

"All governments sooner or later pass a stage of reforming, changes, experience some difficulties", - Taylor added. On the request to express his opinion concerning opportunity of resignation of prime minister Julia Timoshenko and replacement of the government Taylor answered that he would observe the development of the situation as well as the Ukrainian journalists.

Meanwhile Julia Timoshenko's Block plans to subordinate power structure of the country to the government through changes in the Constitution of the country, the first vice-prime minister of Ukraine, the candidate in mayors of Kiev from BJT Alexander Turchinov declared.

"No matter the president likes it or not, we shall go the length of changes of the Constitution. We shall subordinate local authorities and moreover we shall subordinate power structures to the Cabinet", - Turchinov said at a meeting with voters on Tuesday.

As he said, BJT is going to undertake it in connection with that power structures are subordinated now to the president, while real struggle against corruption and organized crime is not carried out. "Power structures should not cover up tracks of the criminals but struggle with them", - Turchinov said.

Making comments on a situation developing in the country the head of the Ukrainian edition of FORUM.msk Vladimir Filin said:

"If they will reallocate power structures to the government, it's necessary to state in the Constitution that prime-minister is the Supreme Commander-in Chief instead of the president as it's now. Otherwise there will be an ambiguity.

As a whole, Julia Timoshenko possessing unique political instinct, apparently, decided that it's high time to aggravate situation. If it will lead to the next early elections, her block, undoubtedly, will receive more than 50 % of voices in the Supreme Rada and her enemies - both the Party of Regions and, especially, supporters of the president - will have essential losses.

I will stress once again that there is now no politician in Ukraine equal to Julia Timoshenko. No matter what happens, what intrigues her enemies do, it's only beneficial to Timoshenko. She will win in the present fight also".
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