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Corruption on Roads Killed 21 Thousand People This Year

Corruption on Roads Killed 21 Thousand People This Year

Yesterday is named the World Memorial Day of Victims of Road Accidents. Probably, in view of that the head of the Russian traffic police names death rate scales on roads terrifying. As Victor Kiryanov declared, for ten months of this year more than 21 thousand people from which 757 - children become victims of 164 thousand car accidents. More than 200 thousand people suffered.

- Well and what of it? - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov asks a question. - Kiryanov named really terrifying figures - both Kiryanov and we understand it. What's next? Two things should follow in organized state after announcement of such figures - punishing of guilty and taking of measures on non-admission of continuation of such disgrace. In our state such figures were announced not once but nobody doubts that in a year the same Kiryanov or his successor will announce about the same data. Even if general Kiryanov will leave his post, it would be done not for these figures but because of pension age, it would be done with awarding - and in general what he could do? While on the other hand - what the hell do we need him for, if he could do nothing. Though all our heads of high rank are like him - there's no sense demanding anything from them. Unless to bring Golikova to responsibility for ruin of medicine in our country? Or Serdyukov for ruin of army? Or Fursenko - for Bologna's process of liquidation of education?

"The matter is that today all process of regulation of traffic - from giving out of driver license and tech inspection to drawing of marking and detention for its infringement-  is completely corruption process, - Anatoly Baranov continues. - It's impossible to improve anything in such situation in general. For example, some infringement takes place, responsible person receives bribe and all remains as it is. Inspectors of traffic police share the bribe with their chiefs, those ones - with their chiefs, they don't bear any responsibility for lawlessness on the roads. They bear only a tribute. Everybody knows who are at the wheel, inspectors don't even hide it, especially in province - sometimes extortion starts to resemble alms. It is possible not to give bribes, of course. But it is impossible to have such situation when not all give bribes and somebody doesn't take them - all take bribes without exception. Unless to put the general on road with a striped stick. All pay off - drunk and snowed, going without driver license and without documents in general, going by stolen and wanted cars. Well there are also large quantity of citizens whom inspectors don't stop at all - for example, I was stopped today. What do you think the first question was? "Do you have, - the inspector asks me, - secret service authorization document or the document of some other service whose employees couldn't be stopped?" No, I answer, I have only cash. He refused to look at my driver license and tech inspection though I offered but the inspector asked not to worry. If I don't have them, they wouldn't be required. So in due time Basayev with a column of insurgents reached Budyonnovsk - he would go further, if he would have enough money. So, next year we will be again surprised with the same data. If, of course, someone wouldn't get into statistics of general Kiryanov".

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