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15 Thousand Dead People in Myanma Didn’t Force the Government to Start Rescue Operations

15 Thousand Dead People in Myanma Didn’t Force the Government to Start Rescue Operations

Not less than 15 thousand people became the victims of cyclone "Nargis" in Myanma. Humanitarian catastrophe begins in the country but local authorities till now have not addressed international community for help. Employees of the United Nations have to make their way deep into the country at own risk. It evidently shows that preservation of principles of the sovereignty in some cases enters direct contradiction with requirements of humanity.

Squally wind with the speed 51 м/s and storm rains of a tropical cyclone reached the country on Saturday and at the night of Sunday bad weather almost completely destroyed former capital of Myanma - Yangon and half of all buildings in neighboring settlements. Five regions of the state in the delta of the river Irrawaddy were immediately declared zones of disaster.

Already in the evening on Sunday local mass-media informed only about 351 victims in suburbs of Yangon and other areas of the country.

In the afternoon on Monday, on data of Sky News, the death-roll reached 4 thousand people, almost 3 thousand had missing status. Thus authorities of Myanma and international organizations predicted significant growth of number of victims of cyclone.

As Associated Press informed, the number of victims could increase up to 10 thousand.

Besides, as practice shows, within first two days the death-roll accrues in progression. By evening the figure increased in times: Chinese agency Sinhua referring to the official data informed about 15 thousand victims as a result of hurricane "Nargis".

Thus saving brigades still cannot reach many agricultural areas of the state especially injured by hurricane. With the majority of injured areas there is neither telephone, nor other connection. There is no electricity in cities and settlements. So, most likely, the number of victims in 15 thousand should be multiplied on 2 or 3.

Now the most interesting - the military government of Myanma limited access into some provinces to representatives of the United Nations and also toughened a rule of import of some materials necessary for rescuers in their work. The government of the country, as agency Reuters informs, till now has not published an appeal to the international community for help though now the number of the states and international organizations already independently offer the government of Myanma humanitarian help and express readiness to take part in organization of saving operation. Representatives of party in power continue to be in the bunker in new capital of Myanma - Najpido situated in 320 km to the north from Yangon.

Thousands of local residents remain without potable water, foodstuffs and habitation. Roads are filled up with trees and it prevents movement of rescue brigades all over the country. As the city remained without electrosupply, candies were completely bought up from all shops in Yangon still unhurt. Hospitals are completely ruined. Destruction of a significant part of crops has already led to a sharp rise in price of rice. Therefore delivery of foodstuffs and potable water to the victims is now considered a priority task of rescuers. In the most problem areas they managed to bring up about 5 thousand litres of potable water, clothes, medicines as well as kitchen utensils necessary for preparation of meal. Rescuers are engaged in installation of special plastic awning for those who has remained without habitation.

Now cyclone "Nargis" which has received the third category of danger gradually goes aside the northern provinces of Thailand. Storm warning is declared in 16 from them. We shall note that in a number of densely populated states of the region governments are not more democratic and humane, than in Myanma.
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