
Manager General of the Strategic Enterprise Is Arrested at Request of the German Part...

Manager General of the Strategic Enterprise Is Arrested  at Request of the German Part...

Manager general of NPO "Sapphire" Leonid Kushnarev who illegally appropriated almost 64 million roubles belonging to the German company was put into prison in Moscow. The press-secretary of Directorate for Combating Organized Crime of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of a capital Igor Tsirulnikov informed ITAR-TASS today. On Monday ëushnarev under the decision of court was arrested and now is under guard in one of the capital pre-trial detention centers. Criminal case is brought before a court against him in connection with item 3 of the clause 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (swindle in the large sizes) according to which imprisonment for the term of up to ten years is stipulated.

As he said, on February, 13 militia was addressed with application of the representative of the German enterprise. He informed that on July, 24, 2007 between manager general of NPO "Sapphire" Leonid Kushnarev and its company was signed the substantial contract on the delivery of the party of monocrystal plates for manufacturing solar batteries to Germany. "The German party in the summer of the last year transferred almost 2 million euro that in 63.5 million roubles in rouble equivalent in advance to the account of NPO. However, management of "Sapphire" having received advance payment under the contract neither delivery the goods, or return money back", - the press-secretary noted.

- I stopped being surprised long time ago, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov commented on a situation. - But first of all this arrest is similar to special action of the German investigation. What 2 million euro? What application of a citizen of Germany? Who in general granted cops access to the documents making the state secret, such are the contracts of such enterprises as "Sapphire". I do not doubt at all that in conditions of a present disorder, any person, even a pickpocket could become manager general of the defense company. It was found out, by the way, that ëushnarev was earlier already tried for similar crime. But this business has nothing to do with cops! It's a business of FSB! Besides, what do they have in arithmetics? Annual contract was signed on July, 24 but the year in fact has not ended! So, what are the basis according to which manager general of the defense enterprise is being send to prison before the termination of the contract at request of a citizen from the country of NATO? May be we'd better give them ëushnarev together with all known to him state secrets? In the normal country people of Kushnarev's level, certainly, also can make crimes but they do go to prison - they perish in road accidents or are shot in the office, sometimes twice and three times.

"It's also necessary to note that Kushnarev did not hide his political views, participated in actions of communists, - Anatoly Baranov reminded. - I do not know, whether Zyuganov will say something on this occasion but it's difficult to call it casual".

It is necessary to note that NPO was created more than 55 years ago and today NPO became an exclusive manufacturer of element base for control systems of ballistic missiles of strategic assignment. "I think at the moment they drill a lot of holes in BND", - Anatoly Baranov noticed.

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