
íuscovites Picketed Public Prosecutor Office and Petrovka, 38 Demanding to Free Udaltsov, Kosyakin and Torbeev

íuscovites Picketed Public Prosecutor Office and Petrovka, 38 Demanding to Free Udaltsov, Kosyakin and Torbeev
D.Cherny 17.11.2010

I returned from picketing which took place in Bolshaya Dmitrovka Street and Petrovka Street. About twenty people gathered, not only we - members of the Left Front - our allies from "Freedom Nation", active workers of movement "For Human Rights" were also present there. Protest in occasion of arrest of organizers of Day of Anger and active member of the Left Front Torbeev passed in the form of single pickets. Passers-by often read our posters silently, some muttered something to themselves, some started conversation with picketers-singles.

When we moved from Bolshaya Dmitrovka from Public Prosecutor Office to Petrovka-38 we were joined by members of the Left Front who were present in court over Torbeev - he is threatened with two months of imprisonment. We looked like noisy amicable group walking along Strastnoy Boulevard discussing the trial...

- The cop that suffered even smiled in court.

- He should at least to close ostensibly injured eye for decency.

- There are no wounds - what should he close? It's seen that it's all poppycock.

- Torbeev is good fellow, behaved properly though his lips turned pale.

There were more participators of picket at Petrovka, than the quantity of banners prepared. The cop "was attached" to picketing, obviously he didn't enjoyed it himself - he was compelled to copy maintenance of banners. There were more passengers at Petrovka but less interest. Here you are purely departmental people. The majority of them run in uninterested in the event in advance, in general, it's connected with results of their labours.


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