
Why Zjuganov’s Party Still Fail to Squeeze "Neo-Trotskyist Creep"?

Why Zjuganov’s Party Still Fail to Squeeze "Neo-Trotskyist Creep"?
Baranov Anatoly 18.04.2008

Nevertheless "neo-Trotskyist" íiloserdov caused split in the ranks of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Only just all progressive mankind welcomed the decision on Miloserdov's expulsion from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation which was accepted on April, 5 at the incorporated assembly of a territorial primary Communist Party organization and Vojkovsky district committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation of Northern district - "for the purpose of performance of the decision of a revision committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation "About Danger of Neo-Trotskyists' Displays in the Communist Party of the Russian Federation". Opposite message appeared at once, at that on official site of Moscow organization of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation which belonged to the true fighter with "neo-Trotskyism" Anna Dronova.

Plenum of Northern district committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation of Moscow on April, 16, 2008 considered the problem on legitimacy of P.K. Miloserdov's expulsion from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

By its decision plenum decided to cancel the decision of the assembly of the primary party organization of Vojkovsky area on P.K. Miloserdov's  expulsion from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

By the joint commission of the Bureau of district committee Northern Administrative District of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and Utilization Review Committee of Northern Administrative District of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation of Moscow was established that the given assembly was carried out at absence of quorum that's infringement of the Charter of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the decision to expulse P.K. Miloserdov had no due bases.

Communists expressed bewilderment by the fact of appearance on the official site of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation referring to press-service MCC of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation of messages containing information not corresponding to reality - that the assembly of the primary party organization of Vojkovsky area passed at strict observance of formalities of the Charter at presence of quorum and also that expulsion was made by the district organization of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

First secretary of district committee of Northern Administrative District of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation S.V.Nikitin

How we could understand now, if justice has triumphed, whether "neo-Trotskyist creep" is squeezed or still makes its poisonous nests among the true fighters for a victory of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation at elections?

I think that it still makes. Though it was almost squeezed.

Not for nothing mentioned here neo-Trotskyist Peter Miloserdov recently, on March, 2 was elected from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation the deputy of municipal assembly of Vojkovsky area. He carried out elections, won them - it's high time to read him out of the party for "neo-Trotskyism" but dug-in "neo-Troskyist underground" inteferes, all these... well, who are not as they used to be, the one who are against. "Dissenters" - don't' you understand. What is the reason for them being "dissenters"? Do they not agree with a party line? That Putin's Russia is about to rise from knees and will do it in a minute, to tighten its lowered a little pants and will catch up and overtake all at one stroke. Do not you know? Well, the leaders know...

I do not understand, if the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is against "Putin's Plan", whether it against that Russia will rise from its knees?

In the resolution of the Central Utilization Review Committee clearly and precisely said that "baranov's group" of neo-Trotskyists pulls the Communist Party of the Russian Federation on a way of "fast revolution" while no revolution is foreseen in "Putin's Plan" and even on the contrary. True comrade and supporter of Putin G.A.Zjuganov said clearly: "Russia has exhausted its limit for revolutions".

The party on the eve before elections to the State Duma sparing no efforts cleaned out a gang of "neo-Trotskyists", it cleaned out Baranov, cleaned out Basanets (not up to the end, he has run away to China and harms therefrom to our country, interferes with rising from his knees to elected president Medvedev). As to Miliserdov - he is not cleaned out up to the end, he still pulls leather from his party card! He does not allow to clean him away and demands to start fighting. Fighting with whom? With Putin? With íÅdvedev? Are you out of your wits? One should rise from knees instead of fighting, it's clearly said.

He - íiloserdov - in fact purposely was elected municipal deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation to prevent forward development of Russia at a municipal level and by that to discredit sustained, wise policy of the management of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and personally comrade Zyuganov in opinion of the Kremlin.

But Central Utilization and Review Committee - punishing sword of the party and its force cup has for a long time understood artful plan of "neo-Trotskyists" who have already gone cap in hand to world imperialism and Zionism in the person of "Other Russia" and Kasparov. The extensive material proving betrayal of "neo-Trotskyists" in the state scale aiming to garrison armies of NATO in Russia was gathered. The poisonous sting of "neo-Trotskyism" was sharpened on service to a number of foreign investigations so that in necessary moment to be thrust in a fillet part of party leadership. Agents of foreign investigations were sent to the party many years ago so that in the proper hour to put its poisonous impact and artful sting.

There is an opinion that Peter Miloserdov was even born under the order of CIA and Mossad, as he proved then subsequently by his blasting work already in high school and higher educational institution.

As we can see now, all party organization of Northern district of Moscow appeared to be struck with poison of "neo-Trotskyism". It is quite possible that illness has grasped also all capital Communist Party organization, signals about it were made the last year by the secretaries of the Review Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Dorovin, ëÏstrikova and Potapov: "... from approval of first secretary of Moscow City Committee decisions of control bodies and directing bodies of the party were ignored, though G.A.Zjuganov, addressing our reporting conference, personally reminded V.D.Ulas of compulsion of performance of the decrees of Moscow Utilization Review Committee for all communists without exception. V.D.Ulas obviously shows intention to block further execution of the mentioned Decrees of Presidium of the Central Committee and Moscow Utilization Review Committee. Moreover, he disorients an active of the organization: even at the Secretariat (on September, 11) he assured us that they laughed in the management of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation at the Decrees about neo-Trotskyism and it's necessary to forget about them".

Who dares to laugh at the Decrees of the Central Utilization and Review Committee? Remember, comrades, it is necessary to cry and not to laugh at its documents!

Already the previous year I wrote, making comments on the results of Moscow party conference: "Undoubtedly, attempt to give refusal under the pretext of some "public opinion" to one of the sponsors of the campaign is an obvious attribute of neo-Trotskyism in a party, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov also accused in neo-Trotskyism considers. - I am going to expose in every possible way neo-Trotskyism including myself to help the party to be cleared of this shameful phenomenon. Recently in regional party organization in Mitino organized group of neo-Trotskyists has been revealed and exposed, within two years they have carried out on regular basis weekly pickets, meetings, gatherings of citizens directed against a town-planning policy of Moscow authorities, against dot building. I think process of cleaning out of party from neo-Trotskyists carrying out some "protest actions" exciting rest of the inhabitants, preventing the dialogue of the Communist Parties of the Russian Federation and capital authorities will be continued. I would advise the capital organization of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation to follow an example of the party organization in Khimki which not so long ago has supported city administration against provocations of neo-Trotskyists in joint with deputies of "Edinaya Russia" and LDPR application. I think it's correct decision".

At that memorable conference the first secretary of the Western District Committee P.P.Basanets was not present under the far-fetched pretext, he was by the time near the underground station "University" where there was a collision of citizens with bodies of so-called "law and order".

Gennady Zyuganov making public speech at conference gave the name "neo-Trotskyists" to Baranov, Basanets and íiloserdov. Svyatoshenko said even more sharp things having offered to begin personal trial with a number of the party functionaries suspected of sympathies to "neo-Trotskyism". The secretary of Central Committee Kazbek ôÁjsaev who promised that the question's already solved addressed to "neo-Trotskyist" íiloserdov with sharp rebuff.

Why then the party decision appeared to be not executed?

So now, as the consequence of criminal connivance to revelry of "neo-Trotskyism" the decree of the Plenum of Northern district committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation of Moscow appeared bringing into a question not only sense but also legitimacy of the decree of the supreme control body of the party which is called to supervise observance of the charter of the party and other norms. Do you, comrades, think that the Central Committee consist of thee fools? Do you think they are illiterate idiots? Is not so! The Central Committee will show itself as the punishing sword and malkin of the party!

In fact enemies of the party spread rumours that to achieve quorum at expulsion of Miloserdov five communists who entered it during the war were read out from the party.

I think so that to get rid of one "neo-Trotskyist" íiloserdov is possible and necessary to read out from the party even ten or one hundred fair communists - only "to squeeze a creep". There are a lot of communists in the party, it is possible to read out some people, all the same a lot of remain. While it's necessary to burn out by red-hot iron "neo-Trotskyism"! Judging by the decree of the capital communists to read out íiloserdov but obviously all 5 thousand members of Moscow organization of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation necessary to read out so only organization became harmonous.

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