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Putin Agreed to Become Uncrowned King of "Edinaya Russia"

Putin Agreed to Become Uncrowned King of "Edinaya Russia"
Baranov Anatoly 16.04.2008

The president of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin agreed to head a party "Edinaya Russia". He informed about it in the course of IX congress of "Edinaya Russia" in Moscow.

IX congress of "Edinaya Russia" was opened on Monday. More than 600 delegates and over 1500 visitors participate in it.

Current leader of the party, the speaker of the State Duma Boris Gryzlov acted with the report about the role of the party in formation and realization of strategy of social and economic development of Russia till 2020, ITAR-TASS informs.

Putin's decision to head "Edinaya Russia" was as expectable, as ridiculous. That is for opposition this decision is very good as it transforms presidential "party in power" into antipresidential - in fact ЕR has been created by Putin and for Putin, while Меdvedev remains now without the party and it's difficult to say how long he could live in the "primes" of Putin's apartment. But I think, he already hangs heavy.

"Edinaya Russia" today is not simply party in power - it's a unique party in the country having a social base, basing on interests of very precisely made out class - class of corrupt bureaucracy in epaulettes and without. It is a party of people who never lived so well as now, they realize it well that they won't live so at any other mode.

Basis of existence of a new ruling class is status rent. "The state - investor is the state of parasitic rotting capitalism", - Lenin wrote. But Putin's Russia has left Lenin's idea behind, capitalism in it, not having had time to be generated, has decayed to such an extend that it has fallen to more primitive formation, to a new feudalism with characteristic fascist features.

Today in Russia the number of "officials" - people officially living from the status rent - by O.Shvartsman's estimations makes 800 thousand. They are large officials and officials of power structures entering due to their posts boards of directors of state and semi-state companies, not participating directly in manufacture and management but similarly to feudal lords receiving in the award for service villages with serfs, they "are simply fed" from incomes received not by them.

But social base of "Edinaya Russia" is much more wider - millions heads of budgetary organizations up to the principal and general manager of the club; it's a set of fine officials, having not obtained by service "status" for reception of rent; ordinary and average officers of power structures. It is the whole army which makes for today not simply exploiter class but tremendous on its cynicism and destructive force class - parasite killing Russia.

Who resists today to this class - parasite and its political representation in the person of "Edinaya Russia"?

Practically nobody resists to it! Formation of "Edinaya Russia" as the party of fascist type happened as a result of short but drama process of collapsing of just arisen political space of Russia. Oppositional parties passed for one and a half ten years quite disgraceful way from "promising" up to "quite hopeless".

The only party which could be considered in Russia as high-grade party - the Communist Party of the Russian Federation - firstly completely came off from its class, social base. Today the Communist Party of the Russian Federation does not represent interests of any class in general. Neither traditional proletariat, nor a new revolutionary class, "new proletariat" already for a long time considers this degenerated bureaucratic environment the spokesman of its interests.

The Russian bourgeoisie, having such representatives as Union of Right Forces and "Yabloko", has completely lost political authority and together with it parties. Two parliamentary convocations of a party of bourgeoisie cannot not only pass in the Duma, they gather so little voices that their liquidation - is simply a question of short time.

Today neither bourgeoisie, nor proletariat (no matter new or old) have not only participation in authority - they even don't have political representation, even political space itself in which they could be presented.

Forming National Assembly today should become such an alternative to political space - not a party, not a union, not even association - it's simply a new space. Because old political space has shank up to an audience of congress of "Edinaya Russia". There is no policy outside of the walls of this congress. There are only groups of spongers, simulators who in a genre of "folk theatre" represent opposition and wait for small charities for good game.

National Assembly is an attempt of creation of new political space where completely different political forces will resist to political space of "Edinaya Russia".

Today in a movement from feudal-fascist mode to some form of bourgeois democracy progressive function is being carried out by all classes, both old proletariat, and new proletariat and bourgeoisie.

In the social and economic plan the slogan of this struggle is very simple - off with status rent!

In the political plan - the slogan is also simple: authority should represent interests of all society and not of one person!

Certainly, after the transfer of authority to bourgeois-democratic parliament and the government a part of political spectrum representing interests of bourgeoisie will be quite satisfied and will settle on the achieved. While another part - will go further being attracted by progressive forms of public, economic and political system. But it will be already a history of absolutely different revolution.

Today we should stop recourse of a society, degradation of manufacture and liquidation of a legal political life. Russia has already passed a stage of feudal monarchy and, similarly to quasi-empire of Napoleon III, we won't let to revive old regimes under the veil of House of PUtins - Medvedevs. It's not even ridiculous to come back to the monarchic structure in the 21st century but is silly and absurd. But things are going on to it.

Having headed "Edinaya Russia" Putin actually concentrates in his hands not stated in the Constitution management over legislative power. While having headed soon the government of the Russian Federation he becomes the head of the executive authority also. It is necessary only to head somehow the Supreme Court and in his hands the powers of the monarch will be concentrated de facto. At that of not constitutional one but quite absolute.

Who Medvedev is in this situation is not quite clear... It is necessary to think that he likes this uncertainty less, than somebody else.

Thus, the developing new - old mode founds two large conflicts. The first is a conflict between authority and society which is discharged of authority entirely and completely. And the second - the conflict between elected president without authority and the prime-minister - regent possessing de facto greater authority, than presidential one.

It is necessary only to combine interests of the first and the second...

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