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In the Treaty Putin – Schroeder Vladimir Vladimirovich – Is for Sure Not Stalin but His Funny Copy

In the Treaty Putin – Schroeder Vladimir Vladimirovich – Is for Sure Not Stalin but His Funny Copy

Well-known speech of Vladimir Putin in Bucharest in which he has deprived our country of the right for existence is being still hotly discussed in Ukraine.

Thus, Julia Timoshenko considers that so rigid applications testify that Ukraine becomes stronger and more powerful state which plays its role in geopolitic processes.
"It is the certificate of the greatest irritation from the fact that Ukraine began to assert its national interests, to protect its independence and to build own strategy", - Timoshenko said, UNIA informs.

Thus prime-minister emphasized that her estimation of Putin's statements is not an official statement. "This is meanwhile my attitude to existing rumours", - she explained.

In his turn, Minister of Defence Jury Ehanurov after the termination of negotiations with Minister of National Defense of Poland Bogdan Klikh in Warsaw declared that any threats to territorial integrity of Ukraine would only unit the Ukrainians.

In particular, to the question what reaction of Ukraine to the statements of representatives of Russia about ostensibly possible territorial claims can be, in particular in relation to Crimea, in case of introduction of Ukraine into NATO, Еhanurov said: "To say to the Ukrainian that he will be deprived of something would be a mistake".

Еhanurov reminded that there were once claims which concerned Island Tuzla when, as he said, "all Ukraine united".

In the meantime the American senator - republican, the vice-president of senatorial committee on foreign affairs Richard Lugar acted with the warning that the Kremlin could influence decisions of NATO and that it took advantage of such opportunity at consideration of a question on Ukraine and Georgia by alliance.

"I came to the conclusion that objections of Germany against connection of Ukraine and Georgia to NATO Membership Plan of Action was mainly connected with Russia and energetics", - Lugar declared at hearings in the senate of the USA.

Having emphasized that "a number of members of NATO now depend on Russia in power economy", the assistant to the chapter of senatorial committee raised a question, whether Russia received thus an opportunity to block decisions of NATO. Whether "power stocks of Russia gives it actual right of veto on actions of NATO?", - Lugar asked rhetorically.

Thus he also raised a question, whether the decision to invite Putin to summit in Bucharest as the master of Kremlin used that summit for attacks on NATO and refused to sign the joint communiqué between NATO and Russia was correct from the part of NATO.

"Whether it was a wise decision to invite president Putin to the summit? He accused alliance in its diabolized Russia. Imagine what he would say, if alliance supported connection of Ukraine and Georgia to NATO Membership Plan of Action", - the senator said.

"Putin refused to sign the joint communiqué between NATO and Russia and that refusal was connected to the promise of NATO that Ukraine and Georgia once would enter NATO", - the vice-president of senatorial committee said, he called to take into account lessons of Bucharest at preparation of the next summit of NATO which would be "anniversary" and would pass in the year of 60-anniversary of alliance.

Making comments on performance of senator Lugara, the head of the Ukrainian edition Vladimir Filin by phone from Warsaw where he's now said:

"Lugar makes incorrect stresses, accepting noisy puppet for demiurge of global policy and at the same time with a feeling of false political correctness not noticing true puppeteers - lineal heirs of Hitlerite Nazism.

Unlike Molotov - Ribentropp in the treaty Putin - Schroeder, if Schroeder and his surrounding from Social - Democratic Party of Germany really on his global purposes remind a bit brown clique of Hitler, Putin - is for sure not Stalin, only his funny copy to which one should not pay any attention.

As a whole we are talking now not about Ukraine and Georgia but about deep split inside the euroAtlantic community which hasn't disappeared with leaving of Schroeder and Chirac.

The USA to which the Great Britain adjoins is located on one pole of a split. On the other pole - countries of "old Europe" led by Germany. Their ultimate goal - to create center of force independent from the USA on behalf of postmodernist European Community controlled from Brussels by supra-national bureaucratic institutes, some kind of IV Reich for which the Russian Federation would become a raw colony.

The countries of "new Europe" really resist to the Concepts of IV Reich - the former socialist countries of the East Europe and republics of the former USSR led by Poland, Ukraine, states with the Albanian population and also Turkey. In these countries occupied with construction of own national statehood the prospect to find themselves out under a bureaucratic boot of successors of Hitler is strongly rejected, from this fact their union with the USA which at any president will be compelled to rest in the Old World against "new Europe", including, Ukraine proceeds.

In view of aforesaid the German veto on connection of Ukraine and Georgia to the Plan is natural. It and not at all buffoonery arranged by Putin has postponed for a while our introduction into alliance.

However, the conflict inside the euroAtlantic community is not limited only to it. It is expressed in many respects: from refusal of Germans to participate full in operations of the USA and NATO in Iraq and Afghanistan, from dalliance of "old Europe" with Iran, HAMAS movement and other radical Islamites, up to expensive, economically unreasonable, corruption projects such as "Nord Stream" and "South Stream".

As to Russia, it's pertinently to remind that friendship with Hitler in 1939-1941 cost to the Soviet people 20 million lives. It's fondly to believe that present friendship of the Kremlin with postmodernist successors of Hitler will end with something different".

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