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November, 7th Ended

November, 7th Ended

Meeting of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the center of Moscow devoted to 93rd anniversary of October revolution gathered on Sunday about 4 thousand people and passed without undue incident, the head of the Information and Public Relations Administration of the Municipal Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow Victor Biryukov told to news agency RIA Novosti.


As he said, about 2,5 thousand people by the beginning of the meeting, after their quantity increased to 4 thousand. Public order protection in city center was carried out by more than 3 thousand people including 1.2 thousand militiamen, 1,7 thousand military men of internal troops as well as employees of traffic police and combatants, Biryukov noticed.


He also informed that militiamen detained several active members of "The Left Front" including the leader of the movement Sergey Udaltsov who tried to break through cordon.


"Leader of "The Left Front" Sergey Udaltsov several times tried to break through militia cordon and received several warnings. After it Udaltsov and some of his colleagues were detained", - Biryukov told.

He added that infringers are delivered to Department of Internal Affairs of Tversk region of the city where reports on administrative infringement are being written.

In his turn, the Press Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Alexander Yushchenko declared to news agency RIA Novosti that about 50 thousand people came to participate in demonstration and meeting of the communists.

"Up to 50 thousand people took part in procession, they passed in column from Tverskaya Street to Theatralnaya Square where celebratory meeting took place. Owing to capacity of the square only 10 thousand people took part in the meeting itself", - Yushchenko said.

He also noticed that actions passed without undue incident.

"It is such a great holiday which unites all. All were in good, celebratory mood", - he added.


From editorial board: We completely reproduce official version of the events in narration of state news agency RIA Novosti. The state agencies don't say lies - they either tell not all truth, or say truth in such a way that it's not always clear.

So, official representative of the Municipal Department of Internal Affairs colonel Biryukov told that:

- Meeting passed without undue incident;

- Militiamen detained several active members of "The Left Front".

It would seem the data is inconsistent - all the same they didn't admit about 200 people to take part in demonstration, 10 were detained and several beaten, they were beaten to such an extent that Vasily Kuzmin is till now in hospital. Unless it's not an incident? But colonel Biryukov told "on the meeting", while OMON organized fight a bit earlier at the desire of organizers of the meeting from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

Now about number. Biryukov tells that 2,5 thousand people took part in procession and thousand in the meeting. Usually it happens on the contrary - part of the participants of procession after arrival to Theatralnay Square considers their mission executed and goes to celebrate holiday, as not everybody could bear listening to one and the same pronounced from a tribune by Zyuganov and Co, if only the most steadfast. Besides the square being strongly blocked simply physically can't contain 4 thousand people - maximum 2,5-3 thousand if to place them densely enough.

As to 50 thousand declared by Zyuganov and repeated by his Press Secretary, such quantity containing 30 people in a rank with distance 1 meter between ranks should occupy completely all space in 1,5 kilometers from Theatralnaya to Pushkinskaya Squares. We observed that that density was essentially lower and the column was stretched not for one and a half kilometer. So data about 2,5 thousand people taking part in the meeting, originally given by Municipal Departments of Internal Affairs, most likely, was closest to truth.

What was the reason Biryukov added another one and a half thousand for the meeting? Well, likely, he was asked to support comrades from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation but in reasonable limits. Militian imagination was simply too poor to invent 50 thousand people.

Comrade Yushchenko appeared to be not so professional as colonel Biryukov and news agency RIA Novosti having told at first that either meeting, or all actions passed without undue incident and it, to put it mildly, is not truth. Then he repeated figure in 50 thousand for Zyuganov and it's already such "truth" that couldn't be not only imagined but also placed on the square. Well, then he absolutely in vain said that this holiday "unites all".

For example, active members of the Left Front and movement "Forward" were bought into invitation with similar maintenances from official site of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and got into paddy wagon instead of holiday. We will note at direct participation of organizers of action from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Therefore the words of Press Secretary of Zyuganov: "All were in good, celebratory mood" are, probably, couldn't be applied to all - some went from the meeting with spoiled mood. Or under only 2,5 thousand members of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and 3 thousand employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who had possibility not only to visit the meeting and demonstration but to warm up with the help of separate citizens are meant under the word "all"?


- It is necessary to recognize that for the first time for many years police violence besides obvious harm brought notable use, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov. - About the same use was brought by event which took place hardly more than 100 years ago organized by Grigory Gapon - comprehension of some very simple things became its consequence. At that though our comrades also suffered but all remained alive unlike a lesson of Bloody Sunday. Our collective "priest Gapon" hiding under the name the Communist Party of the Russian Federation will happily avoid hanging on a summer residence in Ozerky and will live long and inutile life - some on summer residence in Presidential Administration settlement, some - more modest. It is time to remember - ritual processions of zyuganovs celebrating "red" dates are, as a matter of fact, funeral of the left movement and not demonstration of unity of the left movement which isn't present and which and isn't necessary. The unity is necessary to "Е... Russia" and there should be variety in the left movement. There should be action and not imitation of it. Let's give Zyuganov possibility to bury party which has been already privatized. It is his package of documents, his party - let him walk accompanied by OMON along the streets or in protected estate from pancake house to billiard room. He needs no allies in this business, his main ally is Presidential Administration, it could be seen from the events in St-Petersburg and in other regions. Forget about walkings under red banners with red physiognomies - we still have nothing to celebrate! Let's get power and then we will have enough time to go to both the Mausoleum and to "Aurora". Now we have nothing to show...


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