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In Fascist State Referendums Can Be Carried out Only to Support Fuhrer

In Fascist State Referendums Can Be Carried out Only to Support Fuhrer

Amendment to the law "About Referendum in the Russian Federation" was approved by the State Duma in the second reading. They forbid to bring questions which contradict constitution and have relation exclusively to the competence of the state authorities to national voting. According to the bill, the questions concerning federal budget, federal taxes and tax collections, including introduction or cancellation of taxes, exempting from taxes and also issue of state loans, change of financial obligations of the state, currency, credit, customs regulation, monetary issue, questions of ratification and denouncement of the international contracts of Russia, the status and protection of frontier, questions of war and peace henceforth cannot be brought to referendum.

- I would like to note that amendments to the most important constitutional law of the country passed completely privately, practically without discussion in a society and attached very small attention of mass-media, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov noted. - Theoretically in the country where the constitution and where the authority is really elected and supervised by people such deliberate indifference of a society is impossible. It means that this indifference is false, simply this bill has been purposefully passed by public attention or all this really seems not so important to society. Actually both variants are true.

Short of the All-Union referendum about preservation of the USSR on March, 17, 1991 there were only two referendums in a history of modern Russia - the All-Russia referendum on April, 25, 1993 (known as referendum «Yes - Yes - No - Yes») and National Voting under the Constitution of Russia on December, 12, 1993. Thus both referendums passed not under the constitution operating in Russia - none passed under the present one, Baranov noticed.

- Actually, it became everything clear with referendums in Russia when under the initiative of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation they tried to carry out national voting two years ago, - Anatoly Baranov reminded. - The essence of a question was that according to a law in force about referendum, up to last amendments, all significant oppositional forces - the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, "Rodina", National Bolshevik Party tried to execute its positions in a crowd. Glazyev, and Limonov, and Rogozin, and Millers were present on organizing committee of referendum. All those parties possessed both material and organizational resources, all of them had qualified legal services. Leaders worked in parliament since the day of its foundation, that's there was none who knew constitutional and legal field better - they were their founders during 15 years. Nevertheless, even those cumulative common forces failed to realize the right for referendum, registered in the law. Already then, on results of the campaign, I wrote - and nobody argued with me - that if those forces could not overcome an obstacle to carrying out of referendum incorporated in the law, then opposition should forget about referendum once and for all. It's not - pos-sib-le! That is already two years ago article of the Constitution of the Russian Federation under number 3 regarding item 3, saying that "The Supreme direct expression of authority of people are the referendum and free elections" was not valid in Russia. As well as a number of other articles of the Constitution. For example, Article 55 item 2: "In the Russian Federation the laws canceling or belittling the rights and freedom of a person and a citizen should not be issued". As we can see, they are issued.

"Actually, it is not clear at all what new do additives add to the prohibitive law on referendum? - Anatoly Baranov is perplexed. - If it's not possible to carry out referendum, if it matters then, what is impossible in the greater and smaller degree? Well and it is clear that neither society, nor mass-media by and large are interest what else was added to interdiction. It's different that neglect of the working Constitution is lawful, internationally recognized attribute of fascism. Also it is necessary to say that today's Russia satisfies practically all attributes formulated on VII congress of Komintern and since then not challenged".

"Coming of fascism to power, - G.M.Dimitrov spoke on VII congress of Komintern, - is not ordinary replacement of one bourgeois government with another, but change of one state form, class domination of bourgeoisie - bourgeois democracy with its other form - open terrorist dictatorship".

On VII congress of Komintern also said: "Before establishment of fascist dictatorship the bourgeois governments usually pass through a number of preparatory stages and carry out a number of reactionary actions assisting to direct coming of fascism to power".

Becoming of political mode fascist is carried out usually on the following basic directions: open infringement and violation of the bourgeois-democratic rights and freedom; prosecution and prohibition of communistic and working parties as well as progressive trade unions and public organizations; merge of the state machinery to monopolies; militarization state machinery; decline of a role of the central and local representative institutions; growth of powers of agencies of the government; merging of parties and trade unions with state machinery; appearance of various sort of right - extremist movements.

Fascism not only entirely destroys bourgeois democracy but also theoretically "proves" necessity of establishment of totalitarianism. Instead of the liberal - democratic concept of individualism fascism puts forward the concept of the nation, people which interests always, everywhere and in everything prevails over interests of separate persons.

Fascism in theory and in practice cut itself loose from all political and legal principles of bourgeois democracy, such as people's sovereignty, leadership of parliament, division of authorities, electivity, local self-management, guarantees of the rights of a person, domination of the law.

Establishment of openly terrorist mode at fascism is accompanied by the most extreme social demagogy which is erected in a rank of official ideology. Speculating on demagogical criticism of the most scandalous defects of capitalism, fascism always puts forward pseudo-socialist slogans, juggles with that or other version of "national socialism". Fascism theoretically "proves" absence of antagonistic classes in a bourgeois society. Instead of classes it introduces such concept as corporations. Corporativism proclaims "cooperation of labour and capital" where businessman is no longer exploiter, he acts as "the captain of industry", the leader who is carrying out the most important social function.

On March, 24, 1933 Reichstag passed the Law "About Elimination of Distress of People and State" on the basis of which it was supposed that norms of laws accepted by the government could evade directly from the norms of the Constitution of 1919 formally still existing (with one proviso abolished soon - "if they don't have Reichstag or Reichsrat as it's the object").

- Whether this proviso doesn't remind the amendment accepted now by "Edinaya Russia"? - Anatoly Baranov asks a question. - Well and whether it is not absurd that now the constitution accepted on referendum and recognizing referendum as the display of the supreme will of citizens, now cannot be changed on referendum?

After the death of president Gindenburg on August, 1, 1934 under decision of the government the post of the president was abolished and all authority was concentrated in the hands of Hitler - Fuhrer and lifelong Reichschancellor who was given the right not only to appoint imperial government, all supreme officials of the empire but also the successor.

"What absolutely reminds our situation, except for unexpected death of zits-president, - Anatoly Baranov finishes. - God grant, certainly, health to Dmitry Medvedev but he should remember Gindensburg appointing Putin the prime minister".

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