
ôimoshenko: Refusal of Ukraine from Joining the Membership Action Plan Would Lead to Self-Isolation of the Country

ôimoshenko: Refusal of Ukraine from Joining the Membership Action Plan Would Lead to Self-Isolation of the Country
The president of the USA George Bush yesterday finished state visit to Ukraine and left from Kiev to Bucharest, Newsru.ua informs. Bush met top management of Ukraine and the leader of opposition Victor Janukovich.

In the course of visit the Ukrainian-American documents were signed: "Road Map" which defines prospects of the Ukrainian-American cooperation, Cooperation Agreement in Research and Use of Space and Agreement on Trading and Investment Cooperation.

Victor Jushchenko on joint press conferences with the president of the USA declared that Ukraine got support from the side of the USA in a question of joining of Membership Action Plan. "We received complete support from the party of the USA for joining MAP in Bucharest. I am confident that we shall receive a positive signal at summit", - the president of Ukraine said. He declared that joining the Plan by the country and membership in the Alliance meets national interests: "The Ukrainian policy in the question of Membership Action Plan and membership in NATO... is not a policy against someone. In this case we care, first of all, of our national interests".

"For the Ukrainian public figure who cares of the future of Ukraine, stable future, a theme of connection to MAP is a qualitative answer to key, base, fundamental national interests, - the president emphasized. - Once again I want to declare firmly: I am animated by one question - I want to bring calmness and stability to this country, in particular stable safety". Jushchenko is also convinced that "there is no alternative to idea of collective safety". In his opinion, history shows: "Ukraine lost independence as it had no any external guarantee to its sovereignty".

In his turn George Bush considers that Russia has no right of veto on reception by Ukraine of Membership Action Plan. "Each state of NATO told me that Russia would not have the right of veto, it couldn't impose veto on what occured in Bucharest. And I accept it, I think, that it is correct position", - Bush said.

According to the president of the USA, he "will persistently work to convince participants of summit that Ukraine and Georgia received MAP". "That fact that we saw a small group of the Soviet tags on the streets and few demonstrators, meant nothing. Our relations with Ukraine develop", - Bush emphasized.

In his turn Victor Jushchenko declared: "I would not like that the base, fundamental principle of work of NATO - a principle of "open doors" - would be replaced with the right of veto of the country which is not at all a member of the Alliance". In opinion of the Ukrainian president, "there is too emotional discussion where there are not enough rules, little law and, probably, even not enough respect" around possible connection of Ukraine and Georgia to MAP.

Jushchenko is convinced that "connection to MAP is the most qualitative answer to key national interests". "I am convinced that we follow true strategic way", - he emphasized.

Jushchenko is sure that the Ukrainian people will support introduction of the country into NATO at a referendum. "I do not see other rate for the nation, I do not see other rate for Ukraine", - he said. Jushchenko noted that a question of connection of Ukraine to MAP - "is not yet the end of that final purpose which we put before the Ukrainian people, the Ukrainian state".

The president of Ukraine hopes during the last days "friends of Kiev" will help to decline members of NATO to the positive decision on connection of Ukraine to the Plan. He told about it answering a question what would Ukraine do if application of Ukraine about connection to MAP would not be supported at a summit of the Alliance in Bucharest.

"Every day we come closer to positive final result", - the president of Ukraine said having thanked the president of the USA and other colleagues for work which is carried out in this direction.

"Certainly, big efforts are still ahead of us for receiving of positive answer. I have good retainer that position of our friends on the European Union will be very important for tomorrow's decision. I think, we will manage to talk over last days those states which still have opportunity of more detailed definition on this theme", - Jushchenko emphasized.

"As you know, Germany and France are against rapprochement of Ukraine with NATO, - the head of the Ukrainian edition of FORUM.msk Vladimir Filin explained. - At that Vladimir Putin's irreconcilable public position - is only a screen for Germany preferring to act backstage, which sees some kind of the second Poland in Ukraine - instrument of the American influence in Europe. It is necessary to expect that Germany and France would not admit joining of Ukraine to MAP at the summit in Bucharest".

Really, "France will not give "green light" to the introduction into NATO of Ukraine and Georgia. We have own opinion which is different from the American one. Introduction of these two countries into the Alliance - is wrong reaction to existing balance of forces in Europe, balance between Europe and Russia. It will be declared by the president of France at summit of countries - members of NATO in Bucharest", - the prime minister of France Francois Fijon said.

Germany is not also going to agree. The representative of the chancellor Angels íÅrkel expressed her position so: "Georgia and Ukraine for the present have not ripened for connection to MAP". He is sure that "lawful concern" of Russia in relation to expansion of NATO on the East will be taken into account at summit. At that Bush during their recent telephone conversation with íÅrkel did not manage to persuade her. "Bush knows our position", - they told in Berlin.

Meanwhile, at press conference in the Cabinet prime-minister Julia Timoshenko expressed opinion that refusal of Ukraine from joining the Plan would lead to self-isolation of the country.

"There is too much absolutely unreasonable political turmoil and hysteria around of that Ukraine can join MAP. I want to say to everyone who has temperament: joining MAP by Ukraine is not introduction of the country into NATO. It is a form of amplified cooperation which many countries in the world have today", - Timoshenko said.

In her opinion, it's necessary to pay attention in discussions around of connection of Ukraine to the Plan on efficiency of this step. "If Ukraine will be self-isolated from such cooperation, Ukraine remain outside world processes", - she added.
ôimoshenko also informed that today during a meeting with Bush there were discussed steps that would allow Ukraine had an opportunity to carry out the Plan. "All of us today hope that the decision in Bucharest will be positive. So that Ukraine makes the decision on the introduction into NATO all-Ukrainian referendum will be obviously carried out and politicians will operate in full harmony with society", - she noted.

"Everyone who makes accent today on this theme, not up to the end understands processes which occur at the moment. Ukraine will not remain on the side of geopolitic processes. Ukraine will not form its policy as the satellite of the separate states", - the prime minister noticed.

Questions of the European and euroAtlantic integration of Ukraine were discussed yesterday and during Bush's meeting with the leader of the Party of Regions Victor Janukovich. Janukovich assured the interlocutor of his support of a course for Europe, however, he refused to support cooperation of the country with NATO.

"Party of Regions supports Eurointegration direction of development of Ukraine", - Janukovich said, the press-service of the Party of Regions informs. Nevertheless the leader of opposition reminded that there's no unique opinion on the question of NATP in the country, "and the results of sociological interrogations testify that overwhelming majority of citizens of Ukraine opposes memberships in NATO".

"Introduction of Ukraine into NATO is probable only after carrying out of a referendum on this question in Ukraine, politicians have no right to incur the decision of this question without taking into account opinion of a society", - Janukovich said. "For us as opposition it was important to express our point of view and to be heard. We succeeded", - he emphasized.

Janukovich expressed hope that visit to Ukraine will allow the president of the USA to understand better political and economic processes occurring in Ukraine and also the situation in the Ukrainian society.

The leader of the Party of Regions and the president of the USA also discussed questions of introduction of Ukraine in WTO, prospects of creation of a zone of free trade with the European Community, necessity of carrying out of economic reforms and maintenance of democracy in Ukraine and also a question of development of mutually advantageous trade and economic relations with the USA.

At negotiations in Kiev the theme of NATO though being the basic one, was not the unique. So, Julia Timoshenko and George Bush discussed questions of diversification of gas deliveries, struggle against the Ukrainian corruption and economic cooperation of two countries. The first vice-premier of Ukraine Alexander Turchinov informed about it.

"There was interesting conversation. Power questions, policy in region were mentioned", - Turchinov told to journalists. In particular, he noted that during a meeting the question of diversification of gas deliveries to Ukraine by maintenance of direct contracts with Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan and also a question of transit of gas to Europe were considered. ôurchinov noted that there was discussed a theme of cooperation of Ukraine and the USA in a question of maintenance of direct contracts with the Central Asian countries on delivery of gas.
The first vice-premier also informed that during a meeting the parties spoke "about the European integration, struggle against corruption, investment cooperation with participation of the American companies in the big privatization which is planned in Ukraine ".
ôurchinov noted that during conversation the theme of Russia was mentioned but only "in a context of the questions connected to transit of gas from Asia". The first vice-premier emphasized that the most part was devoted to economic questions. "We were interested in investments including in power branch", - he said.

ôurchinov informed that Bush during a meeting didn't close out creation between Ukraine and the USA a zone of free trade. "He didn't close out this question when Ukraine can pass a way of creation of a zone of free trade with Europe", - Turchinovs noted, having added that "these two questions can go in parallel".

There was also a meeting of Bush and Timoshenko after a meeting in an extended com[position in a format "tête-à-tête". ôurchinov informed that the meeting was not stipulated by the program and took place under the initiative of the president of the USA.

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